Ron Wilkins, chairperson of the P&C Risk-Based Capital Committee, presented to the NAIC Property and Casualty Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group and the Catastrophe Risk (E) Subgroup on the Academy’s recently released report to the NAIC on P&C Underwriting Factors and Investment Income Adjustment (IIA) Factors.
( )The P/C Risk Basked Capital Committee released a Report to the NAIC P&C RBC (E) Working Group Update to P&C RBC Underwriting Factors and Investment Income Adjustment Factors.
( )Ronald Wilkins, vice chairperson of the Property and Casualty Risk-Based Capital (P/C RBC) Committee, presented an update to NAIC's Property and Casualty Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group on the committee's upcoming report on Underwriting Factors and Investment Income Adjustment Factors.
( )David Traugott, Chairperson of the Academy's Property and Casualty Risk Based Capital (P/C RBC) Committee, presented an update on premium risk and Investment Income Adjustment to the NAIC's P/C RBC (E) Work Group.
( )David Traugott, Chairperson of the Academy's Property and Casualty Risk Based Capital (P/C RBC) Committee, presented an update on P/C RBC underwriting factors experience to the NAIC's P/C RBC (E) Work Group.
( )P/C RBC Committee scope letter to NAIC outlining project for new assessment of several elements of underwriting risk in the risk-based capital formula for P/C insurers.
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