Candidate Information Albert Beer

Name: Albert J. Beer
Practice Area: Casualty
Employer: St. John’s University
City, State: New York, N.Y.
Credentials: MAAA, FCAS
Candidate Biographical Sketch
Albert Beer has 40 years of experience in the actuarial field, including in executive positions, leadership roles at actuarial professional organizations, and academia. Currently, he serves as professor of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science at St. John’s University in New York City. He is Trustee Emeritus of the Actuarial Foundation, and serves on the Actuarial Standards Committee of the International Actuarial Association. He served as executive vice president of Munich Re America, as chief actuary of Skandia – America Re-Insurance Corporation, and as principal of Tillinghast/Towers Perrin. In 1995, he served as president of the Casualty Actuarial Society.
Why I want to serve on the American Academy of Actuaries’ Board of Directors
I have been blessed to have had an incredibly rewarding career in the insurance/reinsurance industry as a consultant, actuary, manager and executive. There is no doubt in my mind that my actuarial background has been one of the most significant factors contributing to my success. I am sure I speak for every actuary when I say, “We should never stop paying back (and forward) to this great profession!”
What I believe are the most important issues facing the American Academy of Actuaries
This is a critical point in the history of both our profession and the Academy. The ever-increasing risk environment is continually producing many new opportunities for which actuaries are extremely well-prepared. It is important that the organizational structures of our professional societies serve as strengths, rather than as impediments, so that our profession can capitalize on these important opportunities. I believe that the Academy can serve as the most effective voice of a valuable and well-coordinated profession and should work diligently to help enhance this important role.
Academy Experience
- Joint Discipline Council Pool Volunteer, 2013
- Vice Chairperson, Operations, Actuarial Standards Board 2012-2013; Chairperson, 2010-2012; Vice Chairperson, 2006-2010
- Member, Council on Professionalism, 2009-2012
- Member, Casualty Committee of the Actuarial Standards Board, 2006-2010
- Member, General Committee of the Actuarial Standards Board 2006-2010
- Member, Non-Dues Revenue Task Force, 1999-2000
- Regular Director, Board 1995-1997, 1989-1991
- Member, Casualty Practice Council, 1995-1996
- Member, Nominating Committee, 1994-1995