The C1 Subcommittee presented an update to the Risk-Based Capital Investment Risk Evaluation (E) Working Group on their work determining comparable attributes of collateralized loan obligations (CLO).
(February 11, 2025)The Academy's Research Department along with representatives from EY presented to the Valuation Manual (VM)-22 (A) Subgroup, providing preliminary VM-22 Field Test results.
(February 05, 2025)Life Policy Analyst Amanda Barry-Moilanen provided an update on Life Practice Council (LPC) activities of interest to the NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) at their recent meeting in Denver, including recent and upcoming LPC publications, other Academy activity and key 2025 events.
(November 19, 2024)Senior Casualty Fellow Rich Gibson presented to the NAIC Antifraud (D) Task Force at their recent meeting in Denver on the P&C Committee on Equity and Fairness' recently published issue brief, Insurance Fraud: Impacts on Premiums, Claim Costs, and the Public.
(November 19, 2024)Director of Research Steve Jackson provided an update to NAIC's Title Insurance (C) Task Force on the Academy’s research project examining the expenses associated with title insurance prior to the issuance of policies.
(November 19, 2024)Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer provided an update on the Casualty Practice Council (CPC) activities of interest to the NAIC’s Casualty Actuarial (C) and Statistical Task Force (CASTF) at their recent meeting in Denver, including an update on recent and upcoming CPC publications, other Academy activity and key 2025 events.
(November 19, 2024)Senior Health Policy Analyst Matthew Williams provided an update on the Health Practice Council (HPC) activities of interest to the NAIC’s Health Actuarial (B) Task Force (HATF) at their recent meeting in Denver, including an update on recent and upcoming HPC publications, other Academy activity and key 2025 events.
(November 19, 2024)Senior Casualty Fellow, Rich Gibson, incoming Casualty Practice Council Vice-President Susan Kent, and New Mexico OSI Chief Actuary, Christian Myers, presented a session at the Casualty Actuarial Society's Annual Meeting in Pheonix, AZ on “P&C Regulatory and Legislative Environment”.
(November 05, 2024)Members of the Economic Scenario Generator Subcommittee, along with representatives from Oliver Wyman and the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance, presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Generator of Economic Scenarios (GOES) Project.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Annuity Reserve and Capital Subcommittee, along with representatives from EY, presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on the VM-22 Field Test.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Life Practice Council presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on regulatory updates on recent National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) activity.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Life Investment Analysis Subcommittee presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on Assets for Appointed Actuaries.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Life Practice Council, along with representatives from Kuvare and the Minnesota Department of Commerce, presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on offshore reinsurance.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Data Science and Analytics Committee presented at the NAIC CASTF (Casualty Actuarial Statistical Task Force) "Book Club". The presentation explored key types of data bias that actuaries may encounter and focuses on the kinds of biases found in modeling data and the implications for algorithmic outcomes. The same group previously published an issue brief, An Actuarial View of Data Bias: Definitions, Impacts and Considerations.
(August 28, 2024)Annette James, co-chairperson of the Health Equity Committee (HEC), provided updates on recent HEC activities to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Special (EX) Executive Committee on Race and Insurance. Topics included using cost-effectiveness as a metric for evaluating new benefits as opposed to using only cost. Behavioral health is also a major focus of the HEC this year to develop a framework that actuaries could use to incorporate other factors into the evaluation of health benefits.
(August 13, 2024)Academy Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer provided an update on the Casualty Practice Council (CPC) activities of interest to NAIC’s Casualty Actuarial (C) Task Force, including an update on recent publications, and anticipated releases from other CPC workstreams of interest to the NAIC.
(August 13, 2024)Academy Senior Health Fellow Cori Uccello presented on the “Drivers of 2025 federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance Premium Changes” to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Health Actuarial (B) Task Force during its 2024 Summer National Meeting. The presentation also highlighted the recently released associated issue brief and infographic.
(August 12, 2024)Academy Senior Health Policy Analyst Matthew Williams provided an update on the Health Practice Council (HPC) activities of interest to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Health Actuarial (B) Task Force during its 2024 Summer National Meeting. Topics included key policy priorities and project updates for the HPC, annual Hill and agency visits, as well as current workstreams with the NAIC Health Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group on tiered risk-based capital factor development.
(August 12, 2024)Life Policy Analyst Amanda Barry-Moilanen gave an update on Life Practice Council (LPC) activity to NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) at the NAIC Summer National Meeting in Chicago, including recently released LPC publications; a preview of Envision Tomorrow, the Academy’s annual meeting; and the annual Call for Volunteers.
(August 12, 2024)Members of the Climate Change Joint Committee presented at the SOA Health Conference. The session explored various climate equity-related considerations for actuaries, including an introduction to the range of equity issues that climate change and the increasing frequency of climatic events may pose to actuaries.
(June 26, 2024)The Health Equity Committee presented at the 2024 SOA Health Meeting on “Improving Data Analysis Using a Health Equity Lens.” The session explored the intersection of health equity and data, including stakeholder perspectives and a Medicaid-focused case study.
(June 24, 2024)Academy Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer, Senior Fellow Rich Gibson, and Will Davis of the South Carolina Department of Insurance presented at the Casualty Actuarial Society's Spring Meeting on current and future public policy considerations, covering how the current legislative and regulatory environment continues to evolve and respond to changes in actuarial practice and the broader insurance and financial environments. The presentation covered topics including the NAIC, homeowners insurance, AI governance, the National Flood Insurance Program, and bias.
(May 08, 2024)Members of the Committee on Cyber Risk presented during the Midwestern Actuarial Forum (MAF) on the Academy’s Cyber Risk Toolkit, highlighting recent work around cyber data, the state of the cyber insurance market and recent trends in D&O, and the cyber vendor model paper.
(March 29, 2024)Academy Senior Fellow Rich Gibson provided a brief overview of the Committee on Cyber Risk to NAIC’s Cybersecurity (H) Working Group. The presentation highlighted the cyber risk toolkit, including an overview on the papers in the toolkit, papers expected to be published in the toolkit later this year, the public policy department’s ongoing research project on cybersecurity, and how the Academy and the committee can be helpful to the Cybersecurity (H) Working Group now that cyber insurance is included in their charges.
(March 17, 2024)Academy Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer provided an update on the Casualty Practice Council (CPC) activities of interest to NAIC’s Casualty Actuarial (C) Task Force, including an update on recent publications, and anticipated releases from other CPC workstreams of interest to the NAIC.
(March 16, 2024)Academy Senior Health Policy Analyst Matthew Williams provided an update on the Health Practice Council (HPC) activities of interest to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Health Actuarial (B) Task Force during its 2024 Spring National Meeting. Topics included key policy priorities and project updates for the HPC, as well as current workstreams with the NAIC Health Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group (HRBC) on tiered risk-based capital factor development.
(March 15, 2024)The Asset Adequacy and Reinsurance Issues Task Force presented to the NAIC's Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) on their recently published issue brief, Asset-Intensive Reinsurance Ceded Offshore From U.S. Life Insurers (With Focus on Bermuda), which offers a summary of motivations, common practices, and relevant actuarial guidance for U.S.-based actuaries involved in reinsurance transactions based offshore, particularly in Bermuda, at the NAIC's Spring National Meeting in Phoenix, Az.
(March 14, 2024)The C1 Subcommittee presented to the NAIC's Risk-Based Capital Investment Risk and Evaluation (E) Working Group (RBCIRE) to provide an update on their work on asset-backed securities (ABS) for risk-based capital (RBC) at the NAIC's Spring National Meeting in Phoenix, Az.
(March 14, 2024)The Annuity Reserve and Capital Subcommittee, along with representatives from EY, presented updates on the upcoming VM-22 Field Test to the NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) at the NAIC's Spring National Meeting in Phoenix, Az.
(March 14, 2024)The Variable Annuity and Capital Subcommittee and the SOA Individual Annuity Experience Committee presented to the NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) on proposed mortality adjustment factor updates for VM-21 SPA assumptions at the NAIC's Spring National Meeting in Phoenix, Az.
(March 14, 2024)