Medical Loss Ratio Regulation Work Group letter to the chair of the NAIC's Health Care Reform Solvency Impact Subgroup on an exposure draft of a new proposed financial reporting exhibit the Supplemental Health Care Exhibit. (May 17, 2010
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation Work Group letter to the Department of Health and Human Services in response to its request for comments on the PPACA provision that requires medical loss ratio reporting and rebates. (May 14, 2010
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation Work Group letter to the chair of the NAIC's Accident and Health Working Group responding to his request for input on defining an appropriate way to maintain statistical validity within the rebate process. The Academy sent a subsequent letter to respond to a request from the NAIC for more information on statistical credibility. (May 12, 2010
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation Work Group second letter to the chairs of the NAIC's Health Care Reform Solvency Impact Subgroup and the Accident and Health Working Group regarding the medical loss ratio provisions and the potential for individual market disruption under the Patient Protection and Affordability Act. (April 28, 2010
Medical Loss Ratio Regulation Work Group letter to the Chairs of the NAIC's Health Care Reform Solvency Impact Subgroup and the Accident and Health Working Group regarding considerations related to the Patient Protection and Affordability Act Medical Loss Ratio Provisions (2718). (April 20, 2010