Practice note by the Minimum Value Practice Note Work Group on the calculation of minimum value and actuarial value under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which includes a discussion of plan designs not accommodated by the calculators. (April 24, 2014
Exposure draft of a new practice note related to determinations of minimum value and actuarial value under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Comments on the exposure draft should be submitted by September 30. (August 12, 2013
Senior Health Fellow Cori Uccello's suggested language on actuarial value to the NAIC Consumer Information SUbgroup for inclusion in a "frequently asked questions" document. (April 01, 2013
Actuarial Value Subgroup comment letter on plan data collection requirements, specificially asking for clarification on whether any AV-related data collection elements will be consistent with those data elements in the AV calculator. (December 20, 2012
Actuarial Value Subgroup comment letter on the proposed rule establishing standards for actuarial value determinations under the Affordable Care Act (December 18, 2012
Actuarial Value Subgroup comments to the IRS on Notice 2012-31, Minimum Value of an Employer Sponsored Health Plan, addressing how to account for non-core benefits and non-standard plan features as well as other considerations related to the treatment of health savings account (HSA) contributions.
(June 11, 2012
Actuarial Value Subgroup letter to CCIIO offering comments on the Actuarial Value and Cost-Sharing Reduction bulletin, specifically addressing the proposed actuarial value calculator. This letter supplements comments submitted April 2 on the cost-sharing inputs for the calculator.
(May 16, 2012
Health Practice Council comment letter to the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) providing responses to questions raised during a meeting with representatives of CCIIO on the structure of a proposed actuarial value calculator (for purposes of the ACA). (April 02, 2012
Health Practice Council letter to the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at HHS providing comments on a research brief, Actuarial Value and Employer-Sponsored Insurance. (January 31, 2012
Actuarial Value Subgroup issue brief offering an overview of the concept of actuarial value, and insight into the calculation of actuarial value under the Affordable Care Act. (July 22, 2011