2018 Annual Meeting

November 1-2, 2018 | Washington Marriott Georgetown
The Academy’s Annual Meeting and Public Policy Forum is the one event that consistently delivers in-depth presentations from recognized experts on the top public policy and professionalism issues of our times relevant to you, your work, and our profession. Sessions and speakers will provide insight on the latest developments and discussions, with an eye on how policy decisions impact actuarial practice throughout the country.
This highly focused meeting provides attendees with many opportunities to engage with policymakers, business leaders, actuaries from all practice areas, and Academy leaders. The opportunities to network and enjoy colleagues who share your dedication to making a difference through the profession’s contributions to public policy are unparalleled. You’ll leave energized and with fresh perspectives on key issues.
“The focus on policy and how it impacts actuarial practice is always unmatched.”
“Excellent sessions, unique perspective, stimulating ideas throughout.”
Registration is open to members and nonmembers alike, but Academy members receive discounts on their registration fee. If you are not a member, consider joining today. Not only will you receive discounted registration rates, you will also benefit from the Academy’s full resources, including ongoing professional development opportunities, exclusive access to webinars, and engaging content from our publications.