2018 Annual Meeting FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find more details about the types of breakout sessions and plenaries that will be offered?
A full agenda will be posted on the website as soon as it becomes available. Registrants will receive periodic updates via email.
What if I cannot attend the full conference?
While we hope you can join us for the full meeting, we’ve also made the registration process flexible. You can select a one-day registration by simply choosing which day you would like to attend and paying the registration rate for that day.
Can I earn continuing education credits for attending this conference?
The American Academy of Actuaries believes in good faith that this event constitutes an organized activity as defined by the current U.S. Qualification Standards, and that you may earn continuing education credits by attending the Annual Meeting and Public Policy Forum. The exact amount and type of continuing education credits that you could earn will depend on the sessions you attend, and the content and duration of the finalized programming. Under the standards, a credit hour is determined to be 50 minutes and hourly fractions may be counted.
Is there a cancellation policy for the conference?
If you must cancel, this request must be made in writing. Requests can be emailed to annualmeeting@actuary.org or mailed to 2018 Academy Annual Meeting, ATTN: Denise Winston, American Academy of Actuaries, 1850 M Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036. The Academy will refund 50 percent of the registration fee paid for cancellation requests received by Oct. 20, 2018. No refunds will be given for cancellations received after this date.
What should I wear to the conference?
Conference attire is business casual. Attire for the dinner is business.
What are the average temperatures in November?
Temperatures in D.C. range from 36-64°F.