We are thankful that you are an essential part of fulfilling our collective mission.
Dear Academy Member:
The Thanksgiving holiday season is a strong reminder of the importance of gratitude for the year past and of the opportunities that await us in the future. As we pause to reflect on this past year, I want to extend our unwavering gratitude for the passion and commitment you bring to the U.S. actuarial profession and the Academy’s mission.
As a member of the Academy, your support helps build and grow a community of almost 20,000 professionals committed to advancing the professionalism of actuaries practicing in the U.S. and amplifying our voice among decision-makers and policymakers serving the American public. As a community, we worked together to achieve great strides in 2021, including the first revision of the U.S. Qualification Standards since 2008; developing significant content around the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the insurance and pension spheres; groundbreaking original research on international regulatory capital requirements and scalar methodologies; a major new issue paper on how big data and algorithms may impact insurance offerings and their oversight; and a renewed attention to education, reflected in the newly renamed Council on Professionalism and Education, to aid actuaries in upholding the U.S.-based professionalism standards and compliance with U.S.-based laws and regulation and we are poised for more to come in the year ahead.
We are thankful that you are an essential part of fulfilling our collective mission and look forward to growing our impact in 2021.
On behalf of the Academy Board and our staff, I thank you and hope you have a safe, healthy, and enjoyable holiday with family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Maryellen Coggins
President, American Academy of Actuaries
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