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Breakout Sessions
Health Breakout Sessions
Addressing the Risk of Medicare Insolvency (Thursday, Nov. 4, 11:45 to 1 p.m.)
Medicare’s hospital insurance trust fund is just a few years from insolvency. Panelists in this session will highlight Medicare’s financial challenges and provide a range of possible options to address those challenges.
- Suzanne Codespote
Deputy Director of the Medicare and Medicaid Cost Estimates Group, CMS Office of the Actuary
- Gretchen Jacobson
Vice President, Medicare, The Commonwealth Fund
- Marc Goldwein
Senior Vice President and Senior Policy Director, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
- Suzanne Codespote
Regulating the Affordable Care Act (ACA): What’s New for 2022 (Thursday, Nov. 4, 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.)
In this session, representatives from the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will discuss the latest regulatory changes affecting coverage in the ACA marketplaces.
- Joyce E. Bohl, MAAA, ASA, Chairperson, Individual Markets and Small Group Markets Committee
- Brent Plemons
Director, Office of Special Initiatives and Operations, CCIIO, CMS - Jeff Wu
Deputy Director for Policy, CCIIO - Lina Choudhry Rashid
Senior Policy Advisor for the Deputy Director, CCII - Allison Yadsko
Deputy Director of the Division of Policy and Analysis within the Financial Management Group , CCIIO
Expanding Access to Health Insurance Coverage (Friday, Nov. 5, 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.)
Although the Affordable Care Act increased access to health insurance, millions of Americans remain uninsured, including many who are eligible for free or low-cost coverage. Panelists in this session will provide an overview of who the remaining uninsured are and discuss current efforts and options to increase insurance coverage among the currently uninsured.
Al Bingham, MAAA, FSA
Vice President, Professionalism
Chairperson, Risk Sharing SubcommitteeSpeakers:
- Jennifer Tolbert
Director of State Health Reform and Associate Director of the Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Kaiser Family Foundation
- Sabrina Corlette
Research Professor, Founder, and Co-Director, Center on Health Insurance Reforms, Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy
- James Capretta
Senior Fellow and Milton Friedman Chair, American Enterprise Institute
- Jennifer Tolbert
Life Breakout Sessions
Updates on Emerging Issues in the Use of Reinsurance Structures in the Acquisition of Life Insurance and Annuity Business (Thursday, Nov. 4, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
This session will provide an examination of the emerging developments in the sale of life insurance and annuity business to private equity firms through the use of reinsurance, sidecars, and other vehicles. This session will explore how the risks/returns change along with the potential impact on policyholders and regulators.
- Ben Slutsker, MAAA, FSA
Incoming Vice President, Academy Life Practice Council
- Laura Bazer, MBA
Moody’s Investors Service, Vice President-Senior Credit Officer, Moody’s Life & Health Insurance Group - Melanie Dunn
Oliver Wyman - Amie Zhu, FSA, CFA
Vice President, Life Pricing, Fortitude Re
- Ben Slutsker, MAAA, FSA
A Discussion of Long-Term Care Insurance From The Life Perspective (Thursday, Nov. 4, 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.)
This session will feature a discussion among experts and regulators on the elements of long-term care insurance in the life insurance space including developments in combination products, principle-based reserving and more.
- Fred Andersen, MAAA, FSA
- Paul Lombardo, MAAA, ASA
- Rob Eaton, MAAA, FSA
Chairperson, LTC Combo Product Valuation Practice Note Work Group
- Linda Lankowski, MAAA, FSA
Chairperson, PBR Strategy Subgroup
A Look Into Index-Linked Variable Annuities (Friday, Nov. 5, 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.)
This session will provide an in-depth perspective of how index-linked variable annuities are playing a role in life insurance, and hear from experts on the future of these products.
- Ryan Berends, MAAA, FSA
- Dodie Kent
Partner, Eversheds Sutherland
- Pete Weber, MAAA, FSA
Member, Life Practice Council
Regular Director, Board of Directors
- Laura Hanson, MAAA, FSA
Vice President, Life
Pension Breakout Sessions
Smoothing Your Way to Increased Revenue–A Pension Success Story? (Thursday, Nov. 4, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
The Pension Protection Act was enacted in 2006 and came into force amidst the brewing financial crisis. Since that time, the law has been adjusted to provide employers more flexibility in funding at least six times—the most recent of which being the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) of 2021. The majority of these changes have resulted in increased interest rates, increased amortization periods, or both. Many have come with higher PBGC premiums, as well. Some employers continue to call for relaxing funding standards and lower PBGC premiums noting the system, at the moment, appears quite healthy. Others decry the watering down of participant security resulting from reduced, required contributions and the, possibly, illusory revenue increases claimed by enacting these funding relief provisions.
- Tim Geddes, MAAA, FSA, FCA, EA
Vice President, Pension
- Bill Hoagland
Senior Vice President, Bipartisan Policy Center
- Chantel Sheaks
Vice President of Retirement Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- J. Mark Iwry
Nonresident Senior Fellow—Economic Studies, Brookings Institute
- Tim Geddes, MAAA, FSA, FCA, EA
The Multiemployer Pension System after PBGC Special Financial Assistance (Thursday, Nov. 4, 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.)
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 authorizes the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) to provide special financial assistance (SFA) to eligible multiemployer plans with solvency issues. Just a year ago, the multiemployer pension system was facing an imminent solvency crisis, and PBGC’s multiemployer insurance program itself was projected to become insolvent in 2026. The SFA program will significantly delay the solvency crisis, but it is not a permanent solution. Even after receiving SFA, many eligible plans will still be projected to become insolvent – though not for more than 20 years or more.
We will review the process for how the SFA program became law and they key points from PBGC guidance released in July. We will also discuss issues various groups have raised regarding perceived shortcomings in the program and how they might be addressed. Finally, we will take a look at the future of the multiemployer pension system and what further reforms could help avoid a new solvency crisis.
- Jason Russell, MAAA, FSA, EA
Vice Chairperson, Pension Practice Council
- Kendra Isaacon
Senior Pensions Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
- Jamie Cummins
Tax Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on Finance
- Deva Kyle
Counsel, Bredhoff & Kaiser PLLC
- Jason Russell, MAAA, FSA, EA
Funding Policies for Public Plans (Friday, Nov. 5, 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.)
Since public sector pension plans are not subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, funding requirements are vastly different for public plans, both when compared to private sector pension plans and multiemployer pension plans, as well as amongst themselves. In this session, we will provide a general overview of the different ways public plans are funded in the United States and discuss the consequences of the current funding structures in place. Drawing on lessons from the private sector and multiemployer plans’ funding regulations, we will then explore various funding policies that could be adopted to maintain the sustainability of public plans, the importance of such adoption, and also some potential issues of such adoption.
- Sherry S. Chan, MAAA, FSA, FCA, EA
Vice Chairperson, Pension Practice Council
- Mike Townsend
System Administrator, Public Safety Personnel Retirement System of Arizona
- John Liu
New York State Senator
- Alex Brown
Research Manager, National Association of State Retirement Administrators
- Sherry S. Chan, MAAA, FSA, FCA, EA
Property/Casualty Breakout Sessions
Affordability in Auto Insurance (Thursday, Nov. 4, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
This session will discuss factors that affect affordability of auto insurance, and will specifically look at the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office (FIO) recent request for information to update their 2017 Affordability Study and what that might mean for automobile insurers and policy holders going forward.
- Kevin Dyke, MAAA, FCAS
Chief Actuary, Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services
Member, Automobile Insurance Committee
Member, P/C Racial Equity Task Force
- Roosevelt Mosley, MAAA, FCAS
Principal and Consulting Actuary, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc.
Member, P/C Racial Equity Task Force
Member, Data Science and Analytics Committee
- Jared Smollik, MAAA, FCAS, CPCU, CERA
Vice President of Personal Lines Core Products, Verisk
- Kevin Dyke, MAAA, FCAS
Wildfire Risk: Still a Hot Topic (Thursday, Nov. 4, 2:30 to 3:45 p.m.)
This session will look at the current effects of recent wildfire seasons, some of the most costly and destructive on record, on the insurance industry and potential public policy responses now, and what it could mean for years to come.
- Dave Evans, MAAA, FCAS
Consulting Actuary, Milliman
Member, P/C Extreme Events and Property Lines Committee
- Howard Kunst, MAAA, FCAS
Chief Actuary, CoreLogic
Member, P/C Extreme Events and Property Lines Committee
- Shawna Ackerman, MAAA, FCAS
Chief Risk and Actuarial Officer, California Earthquake Authority
Penultimate Past President, American Academy of Actuaries
- Dave Evans, MAAA, FCAS
Impact of Telehealth on Workers’ Compensation (Friday, Nov. 5, 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.)
This session will explore what the increased utilization of telehealth means from the perspective of injured workers, their employers, and insurers.
- Paul Buffone
Senior Vice President and Chief Claims Officer, Louisiana Workers' Compensation Corporation
- Tim Mosler, MAAA, FCAS
Principal and Consulting Actuary, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc.
Member, Workers’ Compensation Committee
- Anthony Bustillo, MAAA, FCAS
Lead ERM Actuary, Safety National
Member, Workers’ Compensation Committee
- Kevin Bingham, MAAA, ACAS, CSPA
Chief Results Officer, Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company
Member, Workers’ Compensation Committee
- Paul Buffone