Post-NAIC Update/PBA Webinar (#25)
Dec. 13, 2012
Noon–1:30 p.m. Eastern
During this webinar, the Academy’s Life Practice Council provided an overview of the NAIC Fall 2012 National Meeting and progress on the principle-based approach (PBA) to life reserves. Presenters also provided an overview of the newly adopted 2012 Individual Annuity Reserving Table, which became effective January 2014.
- Principle-based Reserves: Dave Neve (Moderator), MAAA, FSA, CERA; Chairperson, Financial Soundness/Risk Management Committee
- Payout Annuity Mortality: Mary Bahna-Nolan, MAAA, FSA, CERA; Chairperson, Life Experience Subcommittee
- NAIC’s Life Actuarial Task Force Activities: Mike Boerner, MAAA, ASA; Chair, NAIC Life Actuarial Task Force
The American Academy of Actuaries believes in good faith that your attendance at this live webinar, “Post-NAIC Update/PBA Webinar (#25),” constitutes an organized activity as defined under the current Qualification Standards for Actuaries Issuing Statements of Actuarial Opinion in the United States depending upon your area of practice. Under these Qualification Standards, an hour of continuing education is defined as 50 minutes, and fractions of an hour may be counted.