Candidate Information Mike Angelina
Name: Mike Angelina
Practice Area: Casualty
Employer: Saint Joseph’s University, Erivan K. Haub School of Business
City, State: Philadelphia, Pa.
Credentials: MAAA, ACAS, CERA
Candidate Biographical Sketch
Michael E. Angelina currently serves as the executive director of the Academy of Risk Management and Insurance within the Erivan K. Haub School of Business of Saint Joseph's University, where he leads the Risk Management and Insurance undergraduate program. He is an insurance professional with over 25 years of practicing experience. He is a qualified actuary, former chief risk officer, and insurance professional with experience in consulting, executive, and director roles. Throughout his insurance career, he has been involved in countless lines of business in the Bermuda, United States, and international property/casualty insurance and reinsurance markets. He serves on the board of RLI Corp., an Illinois domiciled property/casualty specialty insurer and Equator Re, a Bermuda-based property/casualty reinsurer. In 2013, he was named as one of Insurance Business America’s Hot 100 Insurance Professionals because of his work on the topic of gender diversity in the insurance industry.
Why I want to serve on the American Academy of Actuaries’ Board of Directors
The actuarial profession plays an important part in our economy. Because of our education, experience, and professional development, we are entrusted with quantification and pricing of risk. The Academy plays a crucial role in keeping our profession and our members visible, credible, and valuable. Many stakeholders (regulators, policymakers, etc.) rely on the Academy to provide valuable, objective, and unbiased work. As the public voice of the profession, the Academy is at the intersection of all practice areas, unifying all practicing actuaries, regardless of practice. We must continue to advance our mission regarding public policy and service, to keep the actuarial profession not only relevant, but also truly objective and effective.What I believe are the most important issues facing the American Academy of Actuaries
I believe relevance remains an important issue. For us to be successful, the Academy needs to continue to be seen as objective, independent, and effective. For us to accomplish this, we need to be seen as a united organization that transcends practice areas. The strength of the Academy is the ability of the members to “wear their Academy hat” and work together toward the common goal of the day (or the hour). Our profession has been disjointed at times, but the Academy consistently provides leadership to our key stakeholders. The continued advancement of our mission, regardless of interference, will continue to serve the Academy and the profession well.
Academy Service
- Vice President, Casualty Practice Council, 2012-2014; Member, 2006-2012
- Member, Risk Management and Financial Reporting Council, 2013-2014
- Member, JDC Pool, 2013-2014
- Member, ORSA Subgroup, 2012-2014
- Member, Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar Planning Committee, 2012-2014
- Member, Communications Review Committee, 2014
- Member, ERM Committee, 2014
- Member, Role of the Actuary in ORSA Subgroup, 2014
- Member, Casualty Communications Task Force, 2010-2013
- Chairperson, Emerging Issues Task Force 2009-2012, Co-Chairperson, 2009
- Member, Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting, 2006-2012
- Member, Model Audit Rule Practice Subgroup, 2010