Candidate Information: Bruce Cadenhead
Candidate for Regular Director Term
Ending in 2020
Name: Bruce Cadenhead
Practice Area: Pension
Employer: Mercer
City, State: New York, N.Y.
Credentials: MAAA, FCA, FSA, EA
Candidate Biographical Sketch
Bruce is a member of the Pension Practice Council and serves as vice chairperson of the Academy’s Pension Committee. His volunteer service to the Academy also includes webinar and in-person presentations on pension and retirement issues. He has 31 years of experience with retirement plans and has been a frequent speaker at actuarial meetings since 1995. He served for three years on the Society of Actuaries Pension Section Council, including one year as chairperson.
Bruce is a partner and chief actuary of Mercer’s U.S. wealth business. He graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in applied mathematics.
The Academy’s mission is to serve the public and the U.S. actuarial profession. My service on the Board will allow me to further the Academy’s mission of public policy and professionalism by:
supporting the Academy’s mission more broadly. Through my work with the Pension Committee and Pension Practice Council, I have been involved in a large number of projects focused on addressing issues of concern to those who work with or participate in pension and other retirement plans. My overall goal has been to support the ongoing development of these plans, and find solutions to some of the many challenges that these plans have faced in recent years. I look forward to working with other Board members who bring a similar perspective from their areas of expertise. As policy debates become increasingly divided along ideological lines, it becomes more important to maintain the Academy’s reputation for providing objective analysis without shying away from tackling challenging issues. My goal is to help the Academy continue to be effective in striking that balance.
Academy Service
- Vice Chairperson, Pension Committee, 2016–Present; Member, 2009–15
- Member, Pension Practice Council, 2013–Present