Candidate Information: Andy Ferris
Candidate for Regular Director Term
Ending in 2021
Name: Andy Ferris
Practice Area: Life
Employer: Deloitte Consulting LLP
City, State: Chicago, Ill.
Credentials: MAAA, FCA, FSA
Candidate Biographical Sketch
Andy has served and continues to serve in numerous Academy volunteer positions. Currently, he is chairperson of the Contingent Annuity Work Group. He is a member of the Life Practice Council and the Lifetime Income Risk Joint Task Force, the Annuity Illustration Work Group, and the Life Products Committee. He is also a member of two presidential committees, the Big Data Task Force and the Aging Task Force. He is a trustee of The Actuarial Foundation, and previously served a three-year elected term on the Board of Directors of the Society of Actuaries.
Andy is a managing director in the life insurance consulting practice of Deloitte in Chicago, where he specializes in product, risk management, and operational excellence for life insurance companies. He has more than 20 years of experience, including roles as a management consultant and as a direct employee of two life insurance companies.
The Academy’s mission is to serve the public and the U.S. actuarial profession. My service on the Board will allow me to further the Academy’s mission of public policy and professionalism by:
Hearing and working closely with leading actuaries from different practice areas who serve on the Board, and bringing my experience and knowledge as a longtime Academy volunteer to the discussion of how the Academy can set and accomplish strategic goals of import to the public and the profession. My experience includes service on numerous Life Practice Council committees, and in more recent years, on committees that address cross-practice issues. These include how professionalism and ethics affect issues that touch or soon will touch nearly every actuary’s work – and the lives of many Americans – including the impact of Big Data and of an aging society on financial security systems. Translating the real-world needs of the public and the U.S. profession in these meaningful areas into clear goals and information that public policymakers and other stakeholders can act on, with the confidence that they are grounded in an objective actuarial perspective, is a priority that I hope to raise through my service on the Board.
Academy Service
- Chairperson, Contingent Annuity Work Group, 2011-Present
- Member, Big Data Task Force, 2017-Present
- Member, Life Practice Council, 2016-Present
- Member, Aging Task Force, 2015-Present
- Member, Lifetime Income Risk Joint Task Force, 2011-Present
- Member, Annuity Illustration Work Group, 2010-Present
- Member, Life Products Committee, 2009-Present