LPC Investment Analysis Subcommittee
The Subcommittee will monitor investment trends for the life insurance industry to assess actuarial implications. The Subcommittee will monitor certain regulatory groups (e.g., NAIC Valuation of Securities Task Force, Statutory Accounting Principles Working Group, Risk-Based Capital Investment Risk Evaluation Working Group, Life Actuarial Task Force) for regulatory developments affecting the investment activities of life insurers. The Subcommittee will coordinate comments to actuarial-related investment regulatory matters either directly or by coordinating with other LPC committees as necessary.
Staff liaison:
Chairperson: Marc Altschull
Rhonda Ahrens
Eric Boucher
David Bulin
Ken Griffin
Stephen Krupa
Patricia Matson
Jeffrey Miklas
Theresa Resnick
Michal Ryduchowski
Steven Smith
Kevin Strobel
Bihuan Zhu