Defined Contribution Subcommittee of Pension Committee
The Defined Contribution Subcommittee provides actuarial expertise and objective analysis regarding the use of defined contribution retirement plans as a means of delivering employee retirement benefits by:
- Providing independent and objective analysis, advice, and education to stakeholders of defined contribution retirement plans regarding:
- Designing plan provisions and features to improve retirement outcomes
- Using defined contribution retirement benefits to provide retirement income, including lifetime income
- Consulting with public policymakers about the effects of current legislation and regulatory guidance on defined contribution retirement benefit plans
- Identifying emerging issues affecting defined contribution retirement benefit plans
- Commenting on pending defined contribution retirement plan legislation and regulatory guidance
- Developing issue briefs, practice notes, and other educational material for the membership
Staff liaison: William Applegate
Chairperson: Maria Carnovale
Vice Chairperson: Mary Stone
Lee Gold
Jay Francis Hines
Robert Reiskytl
Ruth Schau
Mary Stone