Workers' Compensation Committee
The Workers' Compensation Committee proactively provides actuarial support and perspective on topics that involve workers' compensation insurance. Its efforts include seeking out new audiences and identifying current trends and topics of interest so that the committee can coordinate and respond to actuarial issues as they arise at the state and federal levels. This committee actively interfaces with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, and National Conference of Insurance Legislators, among other organizations.
Staff liaison:<
Chairperson: Derek Jones
Vice Chairperson: Krystal Ross
Megan Baker
Glenn Balling
Kevin Bingham
Anthony Bustillo
Ronald Scott Cederburg
Daniel Clayman
Ann Conway
Sean Cooper
Brett Foster
Dawn Fowle
Solomon Frazier
Joan Klucarich
Daniel Alan Linton
Angela McGhee
Timothy Mosler
Cameron Nelson
Alejandra Nolibos
John Pierce
Mark Priven
Andrew Provines
Arthur Randolph
Charles Romberger
Jeffrey Schmidt
Ronald Schuler
Kathy Thompson
Yoyo Tsai
Chris Westermeyer