Life Experience Committee presentation to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at NAIC 2019 Fall National Meeting.
(December 05, 2019)SVL Interest Rate Modernization Work Group update to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at the NAIC 2019 Fall National Meeting.
(December 05, 2019)Annuity Reserves Work Group update to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at NAIC 2019 Fall National Meeting.
(December 05, 2019)YRT Field Test Project Oversight Work Group update to LATF on the field test timeline.
(December 05, 2019)Members of the Telehealth Work Group presented on the topic of telehealth along with the debut of their new issue brief with moderator Cori Uccello, senior health fellow, to a policy audience of Capitol hill staff.
(September 25, 2019)Life Practice Council update on the Sept. 12 Life Actuarial (A) Task Force call regarding the YRT Field Test.
(September 12, 2019)The Long-Term Care Valuation Work Group presented updates on the mortality and lapse tables development.
(August 28, 2019)
The Group Life Waiver Valuation Table Work Group updated the Health Actuarial Task Force of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners on group life waiver of premium mortality and recovery tables development.
(August 27, 2019)An overview of the Academy’s research initiative—its goals, infrastructure, and projects—at the Actuarial Research Conference in Indianapolis.
(August 15, 2019)Longevity Risk Task Force update and correlation recommendation to the Life Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group at the NAIC Summer 2019 National Meeting.
(August 03, 2019)This presentation was given to the Long-Term Care (LTC) Actuarial Working Group of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as an update on the LTC Valuation Work Group's recent activity.
(August 02, 2019)This presentation was given to the Long-Term Care (LTC) Actuarial Working Group of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners on the LTC Combination Product Valuation Practice Note currently exposed for comment.
(August 02, 2019)PBR Governance Work Group update to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at the NAIC Summer 2019 National Meeting.
(August 02, 2019)Life Practice Council update to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at the NAIC Summer 2019 National Meeting.
(August 02, 2019)Academy briefing focusing on potential long-term reforms to the multiemployer system to stabilize plans and reduce the possibility that there will be another multiemployer pension crisis in the future. This is the final briefing in the Academy’s “Multiemployer Pension Crisis: A 360-Degree Look at the Issue and Potential Reforms” briefing series.
(August 02, 2019)Life Reserves Work Group update to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at the NAIC Summer 2019 National Meeting.
(August 02, 2019)Life Experience Committee amendment proposal form and comment letter addressing revision to data elements in VM-51.
(August 01, 2019)SVL Interest Rate Modernization Work Group update to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at the NAIC Summer 2019 National Meeting.
(August 01, 2019)Annuity Reserves Work Group update to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at the NAIC Summer 2019 National Meeting.
(August 01, 2019)Academy briefing providing a review and analysis of various possible approaches for addressing failing multiemployer plans. This briefing is the second in the Academy’s “Multiemployer Pension Crisis: A 360-Degree Look at the Issue and Potential Reforms” briefing series.
(July 22, 2019)Academy briefing providing essential background on the multiemployer pension crisis and its current state. This briefing is the first in the Academy’s “Multiemployer Pension Crisis: A 360-Degree Look at the Issue and Potential Reforms” briefing series.
(July 15, 2019)Senior P/C Fellow Rich Gibson presented on factors influencing automobile insurance rates at the National Council of Insurance Legislators’ summer meeting in Newport Beach, Calif.
(July 12, 2019)This presentation was a session at the SOA Health Meeting where panelists reviewed the proliferation of proposals to expand access to public health insurance plans, either to strengthen insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or to replace the ACA marketplaces or other health insurance programs altogether. Panelists discussed general approaches for expanding access to public plans and their potential implications.
(June 25, 2019)This presentation was a session at the SOA Health Meeting which reviewed the challenges the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has faced since its enactment in 2010 and will looked forward to where it’s headed in the future. Panelists discussed current ACA legislative and regulatory activities as well as ongoing ACA litigation.
(June 24, 2019)Seminar on Predictive Modeling at the NAIC's Insurance Summit in Kansas City, Mo
(June 07, 2019)Academy representatives described the Actuaries Climate Index and the proposed Actuaries Climate Risk Index at a meeting of the Casualty Actuaries of Greater New York
(May 23, 2019)C-2 Life Mortality RBC Work Group update to Life Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group at NAIC Spring 2019 National Meeting.
(April 07, 2019)Longevity Risk Task Force update to Life Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group at the NAIC Spring 2019 National Meeting.
(April 07, 2019)PBR Governance Work Group update to Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at the NAIC Spring 2019 National Meeting.
(April 05, 2019)Standard Valuation Law Interest Rate Modernization Work Group update to Life Actuarial (A) Task Force at NAIC Spring 2019 National Meeting.
(April 04, 2019)