Life Practice Council presentation to the NAIC Principles-Based Reserving (EX) Working Group with a status report summarizing Council plans for prinicple-based activities in 2007. (March 12, 2007)
Life Reserves Work Group presentation to the NAIC's Life and Health Actuarial Task Force regarding updated drafts of the model regulation and actuarial guidelines, federal income tax considerations, individual assumption margins, aggregation, and discount rates. (September 08, 2006)
Risk Management and Financial Soundness Committee presentation to the NAIC's Life and Health Actuarial Task Force regarding the principle-based project. (September 07, 2006)
Joint AAA-SOA Preferred Mortality Project Oversight Group presentation to the NAIC offering an update on the joint AAA-SOA preferred mortality project. (September 01, 2006)
Presentation on principle-based regulatory modernization by Larry J. Bruning, the Chief Actuary of the Kansas Insurance Department. (September 01, 2006)
Standards for Stochastic Methods Work Group presentation and slide set to the NAIC's Life Health and Actuarial Task Force (LHATF), and to the Life RBC Working Group on stochastic calculations. (September 01, 2006)
State LTC Task Force Principles-based Valuation Subgroup presentation to the NAIC Life and Health Actuarial Task Force discussing the current valuation of LTC policies, potential sources of changes to the valuation of LTC policies, and key concerns for LTC.
(June 01, 2006)
Life Financial Soundness and Risk Management Committee presentation to the Principle-based Regulation Working Group on applying the principle-based approach to valuation and capital requirements.
(June 01, 2006)
Medicare Part D Subgroup explanatory slides from a memo to the NAIC regarding 2006 RBC changes to Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage. (September 10, 2005)
Cori E. Uccello and Ron Gebhardtsbauer Capitol Hill briefing regarding the 2005 trustees report, for Medicare and Social Security, demographic changes affecting both programs, and solvency issues. (April 01, 2005)
Universal Life Work Group (ULWG) presentation to LHATF clarifying the purpose of the ULWG, reviewing the definition of a principle-based approach, summarizing the level of industry support for a principle-based approach, describing the basic framework of the new approach, and discussing future LHATF involvement with the ULWG. (March 11, 2005)
Life Financial Soundness/Risk Management Committee presentation to LHAFT SVL II on required review of principle-based valuation options. (March 10, 2005)
Senior Pension Fellow presentation on DB vs. DC plans at an international forum on retirement security, "A Balancing Act: Achieving Adequacy and Sustainability in Retirement Income Reform." (March 04, 2004)