Academy Essential Elements paper on lifetime income, highlighting the challenges that workers face in planning for the risk that they may live longer in retirement than expected, and outlining public policy approaches to help future retirees secure and manage their lifetime income. Essential Elements is a series designed to make actuarial analyses of public policy issues clearer to general audiences.
Academy Essential Elements paper on the tax treatment of pensions and insurance protections, and the potential public policy trade-offs of changes to the tax code. Essential Elements is a series designed to make actuarial analyses of public policy issues clearer to general audiences.
Risk Sharing Subcommittee issue paper that reviews the first year of experience under the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) risk adjustment program with focus on experience in the individual market.
(April 12, 2016)Public Interest Committee paper providing a common framework for discussion on sustainability of U.S. financial security programs, including Social Security, Medicare, and other types of insurance. Sustainability in American Financial Security Programs describes sustainability and related factors for policymakers, actuaries, and others for use when examining and proposing reforms of these programs.
(June 24, 2015)Medicare Supplement Work Group report to the NAIC on recommendations for potential modifications to the Medicare Supplement refund formula.
(November 12, 2014)A public policy monograph that analyzes proposals to address Social Security’s financial challenges.
(March 03, 2014)