The Academy’s Health Practice Council released a summary of findings from a new SOA Research Institute report, The ACA@15 – Tracking Prior and Emerging Results since its Inception, and discussed the policy implications of those findings.
(March 25, 2025)The Data Science and Analytics Committee (DSAC) has released an issue paper, Natural Experiments. The paper discusses an approach to establish causation that approximates the construction of a randomized controlled trial but has lower ethical, practical, and financial barriers.
(December 03, 2024)The Risk Management and Financial Reporting Council’s (RMFRC) Financial Reporting Committee, ERM/ORSA Committee, and the Life Practice Council’s Life GAAP Reporting Committee released a white paper, Hedging and Risk Management. The paper examines how insurance companies—life, health, or property and casualty—employ similar techniques to manage insurance risk. It uses life insurance management of mortality risk to illustrate examples and describes capital markets’ risks and how companies have adopted hedging as a risk management tool.
(November 18, 2024)The Pension Committee released an issue paper, ERISA: 50 Years of Shaping the Single-Employer Defined Benefit Landscape. It discusses the broad impacts of The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 on the retirement landscape, focusing specifically on the single-employer space.
(August 28, 2024)The Climate Change Joint Committee released an issue paper, Climatic Events, Inequities, and Risk Mitigation. The paper focuses on the cause-and-effect relationship that different climatic events have on different U.S. populations and communities that disproportionately experience the effects of climate change.
(July 26, 2024)Actuarial organizations’ collaborative Intersector Group notes of its April 2024 virtual meeting with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).
(June 18, 2024)Actuarial Organizations’ Collaborative Intersector Group notes from April 2024 virtual meeting with Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service.
(June 18, 2024)The Social Security Committee released Highlights from the 2024 Social Security Trustees Report, a one-page illustration detailing the latest annual report on the current and projected financial status of the trust funds.
(May 09, 2024)The Life Experience Committee released a resource and discussion guide, Utilization Assumptions of Guaranteed Living Benefits for Deferred Annuities. The guide suggests some reasons why there may be a cohort that never utilizes its guaranteed living benefits (GLBs). It also provides sources of information on how to develop reasonable assumptions regarding GLB withdrawals.
(May 09, 2024)Intersector Group notes of its October 2023 conference call with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).
(November 16, 2023)Intersector Group notes from September 2023 hybrid meeting with Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service.
(November 16, 2023)The Social Security Committee released an issue paper, Social Security and Financially Disadvantaged Groups, focusing on how benefits received by different groups are shaped by features of the program interacting with circumstances and trends associated with members of financially disadvantaged groups. The paper also discusses various reform proposals and how they might affect members of certain groups.
(November 10, 2023)The Life Valuation Committee released a white paper, Pre-Tax vs. Post-Tax Maintenance Reserves in Stochastic Principle-Based Reserves. The paper discusses considerations of using various interest maintenance reserves in VM-22 applications.
(August 04, 2023)Social Security Committee one-pager on the 2023 Annual Report Of The Board Of Trustees Of The Federal Old-Age And Survivors Insurance And Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds.
(April 25, 2023)Intersector Group notes from January 2023 conference call with Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service.
(March 24, 2023)Intersector Group notes from January 2023 conference call with Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
(March 24, 2023)Casualty Practice Council (CPC) Vice Chairperson, Dee Dee Mays and Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting (COPLFR) Chairperson Stephen Koca presented to the NAIC’s Casualty Actuarial and Statistical (C) Task Force (CASTF) on behalf of the CPC and COPLFR on recent publications and future work products expected for release in 2023.
(March 22, 2023)The Life Financial Reporting Committee released a white paper, FASB Long-Duration Targeted Improvements—A Discussion of Enhanced Disclosures, which focuses on certain considerations in implementing FASB’s required enhanced disclosures around LDTI.
(March 09, 2023)White Paper on Considerations in Market Risk Benefits
(December 21, 2022)Intersector Group notes from May 2022 conference call with Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service.
(June 24, 2022)This infographic illustrates the factors underlying premium rate setting and highlighting the major components driving premium changes in the individual and small group markets for 2023, that are discussed in the recently released issue brief.
(June 22, 2022)The Academy's Extreme Events and Property Lines Committee published a paper, Insurance Linked Securities and Catastrophe Bonds, a public policy issue paper.
(June 14, 2022)Intersector Group notes from February 2022 virtual meeting with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).
(March 25, 2022)The American Academy of Actuaries’ Cyber Risk Toolkit, developed by the Academy’s Cyber Risk Task Force, is comprised of a series of papers addressing issues pertinent to cyber risk insurance and cyber exposure. This toolkit is intended to be a resource for interested readers of the general public, public policymakers, the actuarial profession, the insurance sector, and other stakeholders. Since the initial publication of the Cyber Risk Toolkit, this document has been updated to include the “War, Cyberterrorism, and Cyber Insurance” section and the “Cyber Risk Resource Guide” section. The toolkit will continue to be updated periodically to reflect new and emerging work from the task force.
(February 24, 2022)The Academy's Extreme Events and Property Lines Committee published a new document, Wildfire: An Issue Paper—Lessons Learned from the 2017-2021 Events.
(January 27, 2022)The Data Science and Analytics Committee released a major issue paper, Big Data and Algorithms in Actuarial Modeling and Consumer Impacts. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framing for understanding how developments in big data and artificial intelligence (AI) may impact insurance offerings and their oversight; education for actuaries, regulators, legislators, and other interested stakeholders on the evolving impacts of big data and AI technologies on the oversight, accessibility, and sustainability of insurance since the publication of the Big Data and the Role of the Actuary monograph; and education for a framework on algorithmic accountability and considerations specific across different lines of insurance.
(November 08, 2021)The Life Financial Reporting Committee’s Market Risk Benefits Work Group exposure draft of a white paper titled, Considerations in Market Risk Benefits. The paper is exposed for public comment for 60 days through December 6, 2021. Comments can be submitted to
(October 06, 2021)The Academy’s Essential Elements paper, Securing Social Security, updates figures and information on the financial outlook of Social Security following the release of the 2021 Social Security Trustees report. Essential Elements is a series designed to make actuarial analyses of public policy issues clearer to general audiences.
(September 02, 2021)The Academy’s Essential Elements paper, Medicare’s Long-Term Sustainability Challenge, provides updated figures and information on the financial outlook of Medicare following the release of the 2021 Medicare Trustees report. Essential Elements is a series designed to make actuarial analyses of public policy issues clearer to general audiences.
(September 02, 2021)