Social Security Committee issue brief examining the 2013 Social Security Trustees Report.
()Issue guide on Social Security to help evaluate Social Security reform proposals.
()Slides from the November 27, 2012 Social Security webinar discussing the assumptions used to evaluate Social Security’s financial condition, and providing an overview of the actuarial status of Social Security based on the 2012 Trustees report. The audio of the presentation is available here.
()Social Security Committee issue brief examining the 2012 Social Security Trustees Report.
()Social Security Committee issue brief examining the assumptions used to evaluate Social Security's financial condition.
()Voter guide on Social Security to help explain Social Security reform proposals during this election year.
()Social Security Committee letter urging the president, congressional leaders, and the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to improve the long-term solvency and sustainability of Social Security.
()Public Interest Committee second follow-up letter to Chairman Johnson and Ranking Member Becerra of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security regarding Academy's congressional testimony.
()Social Security Committee issue brief on automatic adjustment mechanisms that could help address actuarial balance challenges facing Social Security.
()Social Security Committee issue brief highlighting the 2011 Social Security Trustees Report and outlining the public policy options to address Social Security's long-term financial soundness.
()Social Insurance Committee updated issue brief examining the potential effects of increasing the retirement age for Social Security.