Pension Practice Council comments to the Department of Defense regarding the use of personal discount rates to calculate lump-sum payments from military pensions as required in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016.
(April 27, 2016)
Pension Committee comments to the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) on its exposure draft, “Assessment and Disclosure of Risk Associated with Measuring Pension Obligations and Determining Pension Plan Contributions.” (June 01, 2015)
Public Plans Subcommittee comments to the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) on its exposure draft, “Assessment and Disclosure of Risk Associated with Measuring Pension Obligations and Determining Pension Plan Contributions.” (May 29, 2015)
Pension Committee comment letter regarding potential improvements in the operation of IRC Section 436 while still protecting the funded status of pension plans.
(February 05, 2015)
Pension Finance Task Force letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on actuarial valuations and other analyses used for determining public pension and other post-employment plan funding and accounting.
(November 15, 2014)
Joint Committee on Retiree Health letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on actuarial valuations and other analyses used for determining public pension and other post-employment plan funding and accounting.
(November 15, 2014)
Public Plans Subcommittee letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on actuarial valuations and other analyses used for determining public pension and other post-employment plan funding and accounting.
Pension Plans Public Plans Subcommittee issue brief introducing the objectives and principles for funding pension plans for state and local government. (February 19, 2014)