Social Security Committee issue brief on 2022 Social Security Trustees Report examining the latest detailed annual assessment by the federal government of the program’s solvency.
()Pension Committee issue brief highlighting key considerations around potential modifications to single employer pension plan funding rules.
()Series of Retirement System Assessment and Policy Committee issue briefs published between July 2019 and March 2022 laying out guiding principles for a comprehensive national retirement policy.
()Retirement System Assessment and Policy Committee issue brief analyzing how retirement program design can impact decisions that participants make with the goal of improving retirement security.
()Social Security Committee issue brief examining the potential effects of increasing the Social Security normal retirement age.
()Pension Committee issue brief explaining complexities involved in the measurement of life expectancy estimates.
()Retirement System Assessment and Policy Committee issue brief exploring the potential to redefine the role of employers involved in retirement programs by removing many of the direct responsibilities from employers.
()Retirement System Assessment and Policy Committee issue brief examining issues pertaining to newer and novel plan designs as they relate to risk sharing between plan sponsors and participants.
()Pension Practice Council issue brief debunking the myth that an 80% funded ratio is the proper basis for determining whether a pension plan is financially or “actuarially” sound.
()Social Security Committee issue brief on 2021 Social Security Trustees Report examining the latest detailed annual assessment by the federal government of the program’s solvency.
()Social Security Committee issue brief examining COVID-19 implications reflected in the annual Trustees Reports from 2020 and 2021.
()Pension Practice Council issue brief considering mechanisms in place to help guarantee payment of pension plan participants’ earned benefits.
()Retirement System Assessment and Policy Committee issue brief outlining steps an employer might take when considering participation in or choosing a PEP or PEP provider.
()The Social Security Committee's issue brief on Social Security reform proposals. This issue brief compares three proposals for reforming Social Security using the Individual Equity and Social Adequacy principles.
()Public Plans Committee issue brief on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public pension plans.
()Social Security Committee issue brief discussing how immigration relates to Social Security’s finances.
()Social Security Committee issue brief on assumptions used to evaluate Social Security’s financial condition.
()Pension Committee issue brief on Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) single-employer premiums and their impact on pension plan sponsorship.
()Pension Committee issue brief on near-term and long-term effects of COVID-19 on pension plans, mortality, and other assumptions.
()Multiemployer Plans Committee issue brief detailing considerations and approaches to the selection of actuarial assumptions for multiemployer plans.