Pension Practice Council (PPC) letter to Treasury Department regarding the benefits of allowing qualified defined benefit pension plans to provide longevity annuities directly, rather than requiring them to purchase an insurance contract. ()
Public Plans Subcommittee letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on actuarial valuations and other analyses used for determining public pension and other post-employment plan funding and accounting.
Pension Finance Task Force letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on actuarial valuations and other analyses used for determining public pension and other post-employment plan funding and accounting.
Joint Committee on Retiree Health letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on actuarial valuations and other analyses used for determining public pension and other post-employment plan funding and accounting.
The Pension Committee's Public Plans Subcommittee letter to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board commenting on an Exposure Draft on accounting and financial reporting for pension plans that are not administered through trusts and amendments to certain provisions of GASB Statements 67 and 68.()
The Joint Committee on Retiree Health letter to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board commenting on proposed statements of accounting and financial reporting by governmental employers for other postemployment benefits (OPEBs).()