The Health Practice Council submitted comments to the Actuarial Standards Board on the fourth exposure draft of a proposed new actuarial standard of practice for modeling.
()The Invested Asset Work Group commented on the American Council of Life Insurers’ Commercial Mortgage Risk-based Capital (RBC) Proposal in a letter to the NAIC’s Life RBC Working Group.
()The IFRS 17 Work Group of the Financial Reporting Committee submitted comments to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation Interpretations Committee Chairperson Bruce Mackenzie on the foundation’s tentative agenda decision Transfer of Insurance Coverage under a Group of Annuity Contracts (IFRS 17).
()The VM-22 drafting subgroup of the Annuity Reserve Work Group (ARWG) submitted comments to LATF’s VM-22 subgroup on draft sections of VM-22 that cover all non-variable annuities and deposit funds.
()The Long-Term Care Practice Note Work Group has extended to July 8 the exposure period for the LTC rate stability practice note, "Long-Term Compliance with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Long-Term Care Insurance Model Regulation Relating to Rate Stability."
()The Life Illustrations Work Group submitted a comment letter to the Life Actuarial Task Force on the ACLI proposal for an Actuarial Guideline for Indexed Universal Life Illustrations.