The Financial Reporting Committee commented on a paper by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) on the issues surrounding the auditor’s report based on recent investor feedback. The committee’s comments included a recommendation to increase disclosure and provide more detail to the auditor's reporting model.
(September 30, 2011)Solvency Committee comments to the International Association of Insurance Supervisor (IAIS) on its concept paper, Common Framework for the Supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups. These comments further address the methods of operating group-wide supervision of internationally active insurance groups.
(August 31, 2011)Academy Public Interest Committee Chairperson Tom Terry sent a letter to House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson and Ranking Member Xavier Becerra in response to follow-up questions from Terry's July 8 testimony on the Social Security retirement age. The letter addressed ways in which policymakers can boost incentives for older workers to work longer.
(August 31, 2011)The Academy's Social Security Committee released an updated issue brief on automatic adjustment mechanisms that could help address actuarial balance challenges facing Social Security.
(August 04, 2011)Co-chairperson of the Joint Academy/Society of Actuaries CLASS Act Task Force Steve Schoonveld gave an update on the Community Living Assistance Supports and Services (CLASS) program at the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) Summer Meeting in Newport, RI
(July 21, 2011)The Academy's Medicaid Work Group presented to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the Medicaid rate-setting process for Medicaid Managed Care programs. The presentation included a discussion about base data sources, base data adjustments, risk adjustment, risk-sharing arrangements, and performance incentives.
(July 21, 2011)The Academy's Public Interest Committee Chairperson Tom Terry testified today to the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security. Terry told the subcommittee that actuaries believe it necessary for policymakers to act promptly in considering options for putting Social Security on a path toward sustainable solvency. He said that when exploring the options and considering continued life expectancy improvements at age 65, increasing Social Security's retirement age stands out as one of the most obvious choices.
The Academy released a new issue brief, Actuarial Value under the Affordable Care Act. The brief offers an overview of the concept of actuarial value and provides insight into the calculation of actuarial value under ACA.