The Climate Change Joint Committee published a glossary of climate-related terms appearing in Academy publications and presentations of Academy committees, subcommittees, and task forces.
(May 26, 2023)The Tax Work Group released a white paper, 2017 and 2021 Legislative Changes to the Definition of Life Insurance, that focuses on summarizing changes to the relevant sections of 7702 and 7702A of the Internal Revenue Code.
(May 18, 2023)The Life Reserves Work Group submitted a comment letter to the NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) on the April 20 exposure of APF 2023-06.
(May 12, 2023)The C1 Work Group submitted a comment letter to the NAIC’s Risk-Based Capital Investment Risk and Evaluation (E) Working Group on Exposure 2023-09-IRE – Interim Residual Tranche C1 Factor.
(May 12, 2023)The Index-Linked Variable Annuity Work Group submitted a comment letter to the ILVA Subgroup of the Product Standard Committee Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission on 2023 Compact Requirements for Index-Linked Variable Annuity Products.
(May 05, 2023)The Casualty Practice Council submitted a comment letter to the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) on the second exposure draft of ASOP No. 29, Expense Provisions in Property/Casualty Insurance Ratemaking.
(May 01, 2023)
The Social Security Committee released Highlights from the 2023 Social Security Trustees Report, a one-pager detailing the latest annual report on the current and projected financial status of the trust funds.
(April 27, 2023)The Committee on Property Liability and Financial Reporting (COPLFR) submitted a comment letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Casualty Actuarial and Statistical (C) Task Force proposing a modification to the Annual Statement blank that would eliminate the distinction between “short-tailed” and “long-tailed” lines of business in Schedule P.
(April 26, 2023)The Committee on Property Liability and Financial Reporting (COPLFR) and the Health Practice Council’s Committee on Financial Reporting and Solvency submitted a comment letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Blanks Working Group on proposed exposure to add instructions for the appointed actuary and qualified actuary contacts to the Jurat electronic only section in order to address any actuarial questions.
(April 26, 2023)The Variable Annuity Reserve and Capital Work Group (VARCWG) submitted a comment letter to the NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) on APF 2023-05; specifically, hedging language to address index credit hedging in VM-21.
(April 19, 2023)The Life Reserves Work Group (LRWG) submitted a comment letter to the NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) on proposed changes to VM-20 outlined in APF 2023-03 (Part 1).
(April 19, 2023)The Active Benefits Committee released an issue brief focusing on the role of actuaries in employee benefits for health policy development.
(April 17, 2023)The Workers' Compensation Committee released an issue brief providing an overview of medical marijuana laws and court cases—and the impact they have on the workers’ compensation system—to help actuaries navigate the complicated legal landscape.
(April 17, 2023)The Medicare Committee released an issue brief focusing on the near and long-term financing challenges facing the Medicare program based on the 2023 Medicare Trustees Report.
(April 13, 2023)The Life Valuation Committee submitted a comment letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) on the Valuation of Securities (VOS) Task Force’s referral to LATF on Bond Risk Measures.
(April 13, 2023)The Long-term Care Reform Subcommittee sent a comment letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Long-Term Care Actuarial (B) Working Group featuring an Academy issue brief, Long-Term Care Insurance: Considerations for Treatment of Past Losses in Rate Increase Requests (October 2018), in response to a working group concern about the lack of a consistent definition of “past losses” in the context of recoupment.
(April 11, 2023)The Social Security Committee submitted an open letter to Congress introducing the Social Security Challenge, a web-based interactive simulation intended to inform, stimulate, and advance the public dialogue on Social Security solvency and the need for reform.
(April 05, 2023)The Social Security Committee sent a letter to Members of Congress offering insights on the Social Security Challenge.
(March 30, 2023)The Life Practice Council (LPC) presented on current and future LPC workstreams to the NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force (LATF) meeting as part of the NAIC Spring National Meeting in Louisville, Ky.
(March 24, 2023)Intersector Group notes from January 2023 conference call with Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service.
(March 24, 2023)