The Academy was cited several times during the Feb. 1 debate on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on the repeal of the CLASS Act (the long-term care program included in the Affordable Care Act). Log in to read the health Alert reporting on the House repeal of the program.
(February 02, 2012)The Academy Life Valuation Subcommittee submitted a comment letter to the NAIC Joint Working Group of the Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee and Financial Condition (E) Committee regarding their draft Framework on Actuarial Guideline 38.
(January 31, 2012)The Academy filed on Jan. 27 an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the pending challenge to the Affordable Care Act. The court will hear oral arguments in March. The brief addresses a very narrow aspect of the case before the court—the severability of the individual mandate from the other market reform provisions, namely guaranteed issue and modified community rating. The brief does not take a position on the constitutionality of the individual mandate or whether any other provisions in the law are severable from the mandate—nor does it support or oppose the law as a whole. Read the brief. Read the Academy’s member alert on the filing. Read the news release.
(January 27, 2012)The annual Academy legislative/regulatory year in review details significant legislative and regulatory activities affecting the actuarial profession, as well as the Academy's work on these issues during the past year. Read the full alert.
(January 23, 2012)The Academy’s Contingent Annuity Issues Work Group presented an analysis to the NAIC Contingent Deferred Annuity (A) Subgroup comparing two different investment arrangements: typical contingent annuity design vs. self-insurance.
(January 19, 2012)The Medicare slide decks—the first topic to be addressed in the Academy’s Campaign 2012 Toolkits series—include an overview of the structure of Medicare, the challenges to the program’s solvency and sustainability, and options that have been proposed to reform the program. You can download these files here:
Life Practice Council Vice President Cande Olsen made a presentation to the NAIC’s Contingent Deferred Annuity (A) Subgroup on the Academy’s Contingent Annuity Work Group’s report that was submitted to the NAIC on October 28.
(December 22, 2011)The American Academy of Actuaries International Accounting Standards Task Force submitted comments to the IASB on the topic of defining the contract boundary for insurance contracts.
(December 21, 2011)The Financial Regulatory Reform Task Force provided comments to the Financial Stability Oversight Council on its proposed rule relating to systemically important financial institutions.
(December 19, 2011)The International Accounting Standards Task Force submitted to the International Accounting Standards Board a white paper on what belongs in “other comprehensive income” and a discussion paper on the approaches to setting the discount rate for valuation of insurance contracts.
(December 19, 2011)The Academy’s Tax Work Group submitted a discussion paper to the Life Actuarial Task Force and the American Council of Life Insurers regarding tax implications for structuring new commissioners’ mortality tables to include the extra mortality risk of business not subject to full underwriting.