The Risk Sharing Work Group submitted comments to CMS on the proposed rule, Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2014, addressing payment methodologies and data collection for the risk adjustment, reinsurance, and risk corridor mechanisms in the ACA.
(December 31, 2012)The MLR Work Group submitted comments to CMS on the proposed rule, Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2014, addressing proposed changes to the final rule on MLR.
(December 31, 2012)The Pension Committee submitted comments to the Actuarial Standards Board responding to its proposed revisions to ASOP No. 25, Credibility Procedures. The comments focused on the exposure draft’s expanded scope of ASOP 25 and raises concerns regarding the standard’s application to pension practice.
(December 28, 2012)The Individual and Small Group Task Force and Premium Review Work Group submitted comments to CMS on a proposed rule regarding health insurance market reforms, which included modifications to the final rule on rate review and disclosure requirements.
(December 21, 2012)The Individual and Small Group Market Task Force submitted comments to CMS on the EHB components of the proposed rule, Standards Related to Essential Health Benefits, Actuarial Value, and Accreditation.
(December 21, 2012)The Academy's Actuarial Value Subgroup submitted comments in response to a request for information on plan data requirements, specifically asking for clarification on whether any AV-related data collection elements will be consistent with those data elements in the AV calculator.
(December 20, 2012)The Health Care Quality Work Group updated its June 2011 fact sheet providing an overview of the Medicare Shared Savings Program and the Pioneer ACO Program.
(December 19, 2012)The Health Care Quality Work Group updated its June 2011 issue brief highlighting a number of actuarial issues that should be considered when designing and implementing accountable care organizations.
(December 19, 2012)The Academy's Actuarial Value Subgroup submitted comments on the proposed rule establishing standards for actuarial value determinations under the Affordable Care Act.
(December 18, 2012)The Social Security Committee released an issue guide for the general public, policymakers, and the media to use as they evaluate Social Security reform proposals. This guide poses questions that should be asked when policymakers put forth specific proposals to change the Social Security system.
(December 17, 2012)The Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting released its 2012 practice note on Statements of Actuarial Opinion on P&C Loss Reserves.
(December 17, 2012)The Financial Regulatory Reform Task Force sent comments to the IAIS on its on its proposed policy measures that would be applied to insurers whose failure would cause major disruption to the global financial system.
(December 14, 2012)The Life Practice Council presented a webinar reviewing the NAIC Fall 2012 National Meeting and progress on the principle-based approach (PBA) to life reserves. The December 13 webinar included a Fall 2012 LATF update, PBR update, and a presentation on the 2012 Individual Annuity Mortality Tables and Model Regulation.
(December 13, 2012)The Social Security Committee updated its 2004 issue brief on means testing for Social Security. Means testing is one option to reform the Social Security program that would reduce or eliminate benefits for wealthy and/or high-income participants and beneficiaries as a means of reducing costs.
(December 11, 2012)The Actuarial Guideline 43/C-3 Phase II Work Group sent comments to the NAIC’s C-3 Phase II/AG 43 (E) Subgroup on its November 1, 2012 Work Plan Draft.
(December 10, 2012)Join the Academy’s Life Practice Council on Dec. 13 for an overview of the NAIC Fall 2012 National Meeting and progress on the principle-based approach (PBA) to life reserves. Presenters also will provide an overview of the newly adopted 2012 Individual Annuity Reserving Table which becomes effective January 2014.
(December 07, 2012)Long-Term Care Practice Note Work Group member Dawn Helwig presented at the NAIC's Senior Issues Task Force hearing on long-term care regarding actuarial implications for long-term care insurance.
(December 06, 2012)The Social Security Committee held a webinar, Social Security: Actuarial Status and Assumptions, on Nov. 27 that attracted over 300 attendees. The webinar focused on the assumptions used to evaluate Social Security’s financial condition and provided an overview of the actuarial status of the program based on the 2012 Social Security Trustees Report. The audio of the presentation is available here.
(November 27, 2012)