Casualty Vice President Lauren Cavanaugh presented to the NAIC’s Special Committee on Race and Insurance (SCORI) Workstream 3 (Property and Casualty) on behalf of the Academy’s Racial Equity Task Force (RETF) on the work RETF has completed and is currently doing; she also provided comments to SCORI Workstream 3 on proxy discrimination and disproportionate impact.
(December 01, 2021)The Variable Annuity Reserves and Capital Work Group (VARCWG) submitted comments to LATF on amendment proposal form (APF) 2021-11 regarding the proposed assumption disclosure requirements in VM-31.
(December 01, 2021)
The Long-Term Care Valuation Work Group presented results of the Long-Term Care Insurance Mortality and Lapse Study to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Health Actuarial (B) Task Force.
(November 29, 2021)Academy Health Practice Council (HPC) Vice Chairperson, Barb Klever, provided an update on the 2021 HPC activities to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Health Actuarial (B) Task Force.
(November 29, 2021)The Risk Sharing Subcommittee submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) on the HHS-Operated Risk Adjustment Technical Paper on Possible Model Changes, exposed for comment on Oct. 26, 2021.
(November 24, 2021)The Long-Term Care Valuation Work Group released a major report, the Long-Term Care Insurance Mortality and Lapse Study, as a result of a 2016 request from the NAIC’s Health Actuarial (B) Task Force regarding replacing the mortality and lapse bases for statutory minimum reserves. The study was completed jointly by the Academy and the Society of Actuaries Research Institute.
(November 19, 2021)The Climate Change Joint Task Force sent comments to the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Federal Insurance Office's (FIO) request for information regarding FIO's future work related to the insurance sector and climate-related financial risks.
(November 15, 2021)The HEWG sent a comment letter to the NAIC’s Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance – Workstream 5 (Health) on the exposure draft of the Principles for Data Collection document. The revised draft was exposed on October 15, 2021, with comments due November 15.
(November 15, 2021)The Medicaid Committee released an issue paper, Considerations for Reflecting the Impact of COVID-19 in Medicaid Managed Care Plan Rate Setting, which explores key components of rate setting during or shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic, including data, assumptions and adjustments, risk mitigation, and communication.
(November 12, 2021)A Life Practice Council task force submitted comments to the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) on the exposure draft of ASOP No. 24, Compliance with the NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation.
(November 09, 2021)The Data Science and Analytics Committee released a major issue paper, Big Data and Algorithms in Actuarial Modeling and Consumer Impacts. The paper provides a framing for understanding how developments in big data and artificial intelligence (AI) may impact insurance offerings and their oversight; education for actuaries, regulators, legislators, and other interested stakeholders on the evolving impacts of big data and AI technologies on the oversight, accessibility, and sustainability of insurance since the publication of the Big Data and the Role of the Actuary monograph; and education for a framework on algorithmic accountability and considerations specific across different lines of insurance.
(November 08, 2021)The Health Equity Work Group sent a comment letter to the NAIC’s Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance – Workstream 5 (Health) on the exposure draft of the White Paper on Provider Network outline.
(November 05, 2021)The American Academy of Actuaries created a Health Equity Work Group (HEWG) with a goal of contributing to efforts to reduce health disparities and improve health equity among racial and ethnic minority populations and underserved or under-resourced communities.
The HEWG is issuing a request for information (RFI) to solicit input to its work assessing whether and how health actuarial practices and methods affect health disparities. Health actuaries often partner with other professionals in many different aspects of the health care and health insurance systems, including those related to administration, financing, and care management. The HEWG has identified four areas in which health actuaries are involved that may affect health disparities, either by contributing to disparities or by mitigating disparities: health insurance benefit design, provider contracting and network development, premium pricing, and managing population risk. The work group is also exploring data collection issues. More information about the HEWG’s work and its publications thus far is available here.
Learn more about the RFI here. Comments should be submitted by Jan. 14, 2022, via email to Please include the phrase “HEWG Request for Information” in the subject line and do not password-protect any attachments. Comments may be sent via conventional mail to: Health Equity Work Group, American Academy of Actuaries, 1850 M Street NW Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036.
(October 29, 2021)David Traugott, Chairperson of the Academy's Property and Casualty Risk Based Capital (P/C RBC) Committee, presented an update on premium risk and Investment Income Adjustment to the NAIC's P/C RBC (E) Work Group.
(October 25, 2021)The Retirement System Assessment and Policy Committee released an issue brief, Retirement Policy: Potential for Changing Roles of Employers in Retirement Programs, which considers aspects of “decoupling”—shifting retirement plan responsibilities and related liability to a third-party entity and away from employers.
(October 22, 2021)The Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting (COPLFR) sent an updated version of its comment letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Blanks Working Group on proposed changes to P/C annual statements. Many of the Committee’s previous comments stand unchanged but were edited in response to the modified exposure draft.
(October 21, 2021)The Pension Committee, Multiemployer Plans Committee, and Public Plans Committee submitted comments to the Actuarial Standards Board regarding the third exposure draft of Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 4, Measuring Pension Obligations and Determining Pension Costs or Contributions.
(October 18, 2021)The Retirement System Assessment and Policy Committee published an issue brief examining issues pertaining to newer and novel plan designs as they relate to risk sharing between plan sponsors and participants.
(October 15, 2021)The Health Equity Work Group (HEWG) released a discussion brief, Health Equity from an Actuarial Perspective: Managing Population Health. This discussion brief is the final in the series developed by the HEWG to provide more context on issues raised in the initial discussion brief, Health Equity from an Actuarial Perspective: Questions to Explore. This series was undertaken by the HEWG to lay the groundwork for their future exploration and research into health disparities.
(October 15, 2021)