Financial Reporting Committee practice note on Actuarial Practices Relating to Accounting for Insurance Pursuant to International Financial Reporting Standards. (March 01, 2011)
Life Financial Reporting Committee practice note to assist actuaries with application of FAS 133 with respect to variable annuities with guaranteed benefits. (February 02, 2010)
Life Reserves and Capital Practice Note Work Group practice note on applying principles of the September C3 Phase III report to the NAIC. (December 01, 2009)
Life Practice Note Steering Committee's addendum to the July 2009 C-3 Phase II and Actuarial Guideline XLIII Practice Note, providing guidance relative to additional questions raised by actuaries dealing with the implementation of Actuarial Guideline XLIII since the practice note was first published. (December 01, 2009)
Practice note prepared by a work group set up by the Life Practice Note Steering Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries (VA Practice Note Work Group), updating the September 2006 C-3 Phase II practice note and representing a description of practices believed by the VA Practice Note Work Group to be commonly employed by actuaries in the United States in 2009. (July 01, 2009)
Life Valuation Subcommittee practice note intended to provide information on common practices and approaches related to actuarial issues for which credibility theory or a related approach may be applied. (July 01, 2008)
Life Financial Reporting Committee practice note to assist actuaries working for life insurance companies with the calculation of embedded values. (May 01, 2008)
Life Financial Reporting Committee practice note describing some of the common practices that might be considered by actuaries in the United States in the application of the Financial Accounting Standards Board's (FASB) Derivatives Implementation Group Statement 133 Implementation Issue No. 36, Embedded Derivatives: Modified Coinsurance Arrangements and Debt Instruments That Incorporate Credit Risk Exposures That Are Unrelated or Only Partially Related to the Creditworthiness of the Obligor under Those Instruments (DIG B36). DIG B36 addresses the applicability of FAS 133 to many modified coinsurance (Modco) and similar insurance transactions. (February 29, 2008)
Practice note relating to AICPA Statement of Position 05-1 on insurance accounting for deferred acquisition costs in connection with modifications or exchanges of insurance contracts. (October 01, 2007)
Practice note on common practices relating to FASB Statement 133, accounting for derivative instruments and hedging activities, as it relates to variable annuities with guaranteed benefits. (February 01, 2007)
Life Valuation Subcommittee practice note updating the initial practice note written in 2001 regarding the Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 40 (ASOP 40), and current practices used by actuaries in the United States under the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) Model Regulation XXX. (December 01, 2006)
Practice note for the Application of C3 Phase II provides guidance to actuaries dealing with the implementation of the new C-3 Phase II (VA RBC) requirements for Variable Annuities (VAs). (September 01, 2006)
Life Valuation Subcommittee practice note providing a description of some of the current practices that could be used by actuaries in the United States regarding reinsurance reserve credit. (October 01, 2005)
Life Practice Note Steering Committee practice note intended to provide guidance to actuaries dealing with the implementation of the new risk-based capital and reserving requirements for Variable Annuities, C-3 Phase II and Actuarial Guideline VACARVM. (September 01, 2005)
Life Financial Reporting Committee practice note on anticipated common practices relating to AICPA Statement of Position 03-1: accounting and reporting by insurance enterprises for certain nontraditional long-duration contracts and for separate accounts. (April 05, 2005)