Life, Health, and Property/Casualty RBC committees joint report in response to the NAIC's request for assistance with the Solvency Modernization (SMI) project on the NAIC's Risk-Based Capital (RBC) formulas. This report discusses the intended/expected safety levels for RBC and identifies risks that are missing from the RBC formulas. (
Life, Health, and Property/Casualty RBC committees joint report in response to the NAIC's request for assistance with the Solvency Modernization (SMI) project on the NAIC's Risk-Based Capital (RBC) formulas. The report discusses the intended/expected safety levels for RBC and identifies risks that are missing from the RBC formulas. (
Academy report to the NAIC in response to its request for assistance with the Solvency Modernization project on the NAIC's Risk-Based Capital (RBC) formula. (
IAWG Comment Lettter on ACLI Proposal for Commercial Mortgages
Invested Asset Work Group letter to the NAIC Life RBC Working Group regarding the ACLI's Proposal on Risk-Based Capital for Commercial Mortgages. (
Deferred Tax Asset Bridge Group final report to the NAIC Capital Adequacy Task Force showing the appropriate treatment of the Deferred Tax Asset (DTA) in the Risk-Based Capital formulas for Life, Property / Casualty (P&C), and Health. (
Deferred Tax Asset DTA Bridge Group request for an interim report to the NAIC Capital Adequacy Task Force showing the appropriate treatment of the Deferred Tax Asset (DTA) in the Risk-Based Capital formulas for Life, Property / Casualty (P&C), and Health. (
Invested Asset Work Group letter to the Capital Adequacy Task Force regarding the proposed increase to commercial real estate mortgage risk based capital. (
Life Practice Council letter to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) (EX) Working Group and Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee on principles-based valuation and capital approach (PBA) for life insurance. (
The Economic Scenario Work Group develops a proposed scenario generator model for interest rate modeling in principle-based life and annuity capital and reserve calculations. (