Social Security Committee issue brief exploring possible design changes to Social Security to address issues faced by a growing part of the U.S. population who may attain advanced ages and lack adequate resources.
(June 30, 2016)Social Security Committee issue brief on 2016 Social Security Trustees Report examining the program’s long-term solvency issues and recommending that Congress should act soon to improve the long-term financial outlook of the program.
(June 27, 2016)Medicare Subcommittee issue brief that examines the potential for Medicare Advantage plans to improve quality of care at lower prices as part the Medicare@50 series.
(October 23, 2015)Long-Term Care (LTC) Reform Subcommittee issue brief exploring observations and concerns about pricing in LTC insurance, which is part of its new LTC series.
(October 23, 2015)Long-Term Care (LTC) Reform Subcommittee issue brief exploring observations and challenges in LTC insurance portability, which is part of its new LTC series.
(October 23, 2015)Long-Term Care (LTC) Reform Subcommittee issue brief that examines the limited role played by private insurance in financing long-term care services and supports, which is part of its new LTC series.
(October 23, 2015)Social Security Committee issue brief on the Disability Insurance Trust Fund shortfall and ways to improve its long-term financial viability.
(August 20, 2015)Social Security Committee issue brief on 2015 Social Security Trustees Report examining the social insurance program’s long-term solvency issues and recommending that Congress should act soon to improve the long-term financial outlook of the program.
(July 29, 2015)