Task Force on Genetic Testing in Health Insurance monongraph on key concerns raised with respect to genetic testing, including access to health care, the cost of health care and health insurance, and the privacy of genetic information. (
Risk Adjustor Work Group report on the health status risk adjustment methodology proposed for implementation by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). (
Expanding Choice for Medicare Beneficiaries Task Force monograph on the actuarial issues concerning the changes to Medicare under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 that will have major impact on the health care market. (
Long Term Care Committee monograph issues that need to be considered when determining whether a voluntary federal-private LTC insurance program could be considered a viable option within a more comprehensive framework involving multiple programs. (
Loss Ratio Work Group white paper on the various ways in which loss ratios are currently used by different audiences, and identifies some of the issues inherent in methods of valuation employed. (
Medicaid Work Group monograph on how cost and utilization savings can occur in managed care programs and provides an overview of components that should be considered when developing and implementing a Medicaid managed care program. (
Guaranteed Issue/Universal Access Work Group monograph provides an understanding of the forces with which reformers are confronted in trying to implement guaranteed issue successfully in a voluntary private insurance system - a system that does not mandate universal coverage. (