The Health Practice Council has released an issue brief that examines the different types of risks that insurers can face and the various risk mitigation mechanisms that can be used to address them, Health Insurance Risk Mitigation Mechanisms and COVID-19.
( )Medicare Subcommittee issue brief on the fundamental long-range financing challenges facing the Medicare program.
( )Health Practice Council answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on COVID-19’s potential effects on health care spending and the health insurance system.
( )Medicaid Subcommittee issue brief on growing health care costs concerns in the Medicaid program and an analysis of public policy proposals to address them.
( )Smarter Spending Work Group issue brief examining ways to effectively spend health care dollars.
( )Issue brief on the evolving marketplace and regulatory environment of long-term care insurance (LTCI).
( )Telehealth Work Group has released a new issue brief exploring the perspectives of the patients and providers, while also analyzing the financial, legal and regulatory aspects associated with telehealth.
( )Health Practice Council issue brief providing an overview of the surprise-billing problem and provides insights on approaches to address it.
( )Individual and Small Group Markets Committee issue brief outlines the major drivers behind why 2020 premiums could differ from those in 2019. The brief focuses primarily on the individual market, yet many of the factors discussed are also relevant to the small group market.
( )Medicare Subcommittee issue brief on the three fundamental long-range financing challenges facing the Medicare program.
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