Health Practice Council comments in response to the Actuarial Standards Board’s (ASB) second exposure draft of a proposed actuarial standard of practice (ASOP) titled Setting Assumptions.
(July 31, 2019)Pension Committee comment letter to the Actuarial Standards Board regarding the second exposure draft of the Setting Assumptions ASOP.
(July 31, 2019)Academy President Shawna Ackerman's comments to the NAIC's Blanks Working Group regarding proposed changes in qualifications for casualty actuaries who file statements of actuarial opinion.
(July 25, 2019)Medicaid Subcommittee comments on May 15, 2019 CMCS Informational Bulletin (CIB) titled Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Requirements Related to Third-Party Vendors seeking additional clarification.
(July 17, 2019)Life Practice Council comment letter on proposed revisions to ASOP No. 2, Nonguaranteed Elements for Life Insurance and Annuity Products.
(July 15, 2019)Life Practice Council comment letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on the second exposure draft of the proposed Actuarial Standard of Practice, Setting Assumptions.
(July 08, 2019)The Academy's Casualty Practice Council's comments on the proposed revision of the ASOP on Assumptions.
(July 01, 2019)Life Illustrations Work Group comment letter to NAIC in response to questions on the illustrations of Indexed Universal Life products under Actuarial Guideline 49.
(June 28, 2019)Life Illustrations Work Group comment letter to NAIC IUL Illustrations (A) Subgroup on the exposed menu of options regarding illustrations for Indexed Universal Life products under Actuarial Guideline 49.
(June 27, 2019)C-2 Work Group update to the NAIC Life Risk-Based Capital Working Group for the working group's June 24 conference call.
(June 25, 2019)Health Practice Council comments to the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means regarding its June 12 hearing, "Pathways to Universal Health Coverage."
(June 07, 2019)Academy comments on NAIC Casualty Actuarial and Statistical (C) Task Force exposure draft of proposed P/C Statement of Actuarial Opinion Instructions.
(May 30, 2019)Life Practice Council comment letter to Actuarial Standards Board on December 2018 exposure draft of ASOP No. 22, Statements of Actuarial Opinion Based on Asset Adequacy Analysis for Life or Health Liabilities.
(May 29, 2019)COPLFR comment letter to the NAIC regarding ambiguity in how companies should report retroactive reinsurance and other loss portfolio transfer matters.
(May 23, 2019)Health Practice Council letter to the U.S. House Committee on the Budget regarding its May 22 hearing, "Key Design Components and Considerations for Establishing a Single-Payer Health Care System."
(May 22, 2019)Longevity Risk Task Force comment letter to the NAIC Longevity Risk (A/E) Subgroup on a proposed approach to incorporating an RBC charge for longevity risk.
(May 22, 2019)Health Practice Council letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on the fourth exposure draft of a proposed new actuarial standard of practice for modeling.
(May 15, 2019)Life Practice Council comment letter to Actuarial Standards Board on the fourth exposure draft of the proposed new actuarial standard of practice for modeling.
(May 15, 2019)Pension Committee comment letter to ASB on fourth exposure draft of the Modeling ASOP.
(May 15, 2019)Casualty Practice Council letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on the fourth exposure draft of a proposed new actuarial standard of practice for modeling.
(May 13, 2019)Financial Regulatory Reform Task Force comment letter to the Financial Stability Oversight Council regarding the Council’s proposed guidance on nonbank financial company determinations.
(May 13, 2019)The Casualty Practice Council comments on the proposed Pandemic Risk Reinsurance Program being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.
(May 11, 2019)ERM/ORSA Committee letter to the Actuarial Standards Board on the fourth exposure draft of a proposed new actuarial standard of practice for modeling.
(May 10, 2019)P/C RBC Committee scope letter to NAIC outlining project for new assessment of several elements of underwriting risk in the risk-based capital formula for P/C insurers.
(May 09, 2019)Life Experience Committee comment letter to NAIC Life Actuarial (A) Task Force on concerns with the NAIC continuing to use the 2001 CSO Tables for guaranteed issue business.
(May 08, 2019)Life Capital Adequacy Committee comment letter to NAIC Capital Adequacy (E) Task Force on suggested changes to the exposed risk-based capital preamble.
(May 07, 2019)Individual and Small Group Markets Committee comments in response to the Department of Health and Human Services’ request for information on selling insurance across state lines through Health Care Choice Compacts.
(May 06, 2019)IFRS 17 Work Group comments to the IAA on the exposure draft of IAN 100 on Application of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts.
(April 30, 2019)Annuity Illustration Work Group comment letter to NAIC Annuity Disclosure (A) Working Group on proposed changes to Annuity Disclosure Model Regulation #245.
(April 26, 2019)Life Reinsurance Work Group comment letter to Life Actuarial (A) Task Force on APF 2019-17 and 2019-24, addressing yearly renewable term reinsurance.
(April 16, 2019)