Medicare Steering Committee comment letter on proposed changes in the Medicare+Choice risk adjustment methodology and reporting requirements for diagnostic information for use beginning in 2004. (January 30, 2002)
Academy comments to FASB on Joint Working Group Draft "Standard and Basis for Conclusions, Financial Instruments, and Similar Items." (September 21, 2001)
Risk Classification Work Group comment letter to Connecticut state Sen. John Fonfara about a Connecticut legislative task force's auto insurance study. (June 22, 2001)
Academy comments on the proposal developed and approved on a preliminary basis by the NAIC’s Speed to Market Working Group that pertain to the definitions of “minimum experience and education requirements” for actuaries contained in the preface to the proposal. (March 29, 2001)
Committee on Life Insurance Financial Reporting and Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting comments on FASB Revised Exposure Draft: "Business Combinations and Intangible Assets — Accounting for Goodwill." (March 16, 2001)
Task Force on HORBC comments that offer a counterproposal regarding the redesign of the Property & Equipment page. The counterproposal would achieve the objectives of attaining compliance with the new Health blank and reducing the amount of data collected, and it would leave the NAIC working group flexibility to make a change to the HCDA risk factor in 2001. (January 10, 2001)
Medicare Reform Task Force letter to Senate about the debate around changes to the Medicare program, including proposals to provide prescription drug coverage to seniors. (July 17, 2000)
Fair Value Task Force comments on Basic Issue 11, Fair Value Issues, of the Issues Paper on insurance released for comment by the IASC Steering Committee on Insurance. (June 06, 2000)
Fair Value Task Force comments on FASB paper, "Preliminary Views on major issues related to Reporting Financial Instruments and Certain Related Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value." (May 31, 2000)
Health Insurance Rate Filing Task Force letter request for NAIC assistance in narrowing the scope of the Academy's Health Insurance Rate Filing Task Force work on developing guidelines for filing health insurance rates with state regulatory agencies. (February 24, 2000)
Academy comments to HHS on the proposed federal regulations regarding the privacy of individually identifiable health information (IIHI). (February 17, 2000)