Medicare Supplement Work Group letter to the NAIC Medigap PPACA Subgroup offering comments on the subgroup’s new discussion paper, Medicare Supplement Insurance First Dollar Coverage and Cost-Shares.
(October 04, 2011)Social Security Committee letter urging the president, congressional leaders, and the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to improve the long-term solvency and sustainability of Social Security.
(September 22, 2011)Public Interest Committee second follow-up letter to Chairman Johnson and Ranking Member Becerra of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security regarding Academy's congressional testimony.
(August 26, 2011)Medicare Supplement Work Group letter to the NAIC's Medicare Supplement Refund Formula Subgroup with a proposed charge to have the work group review the Medicare Supplement Refund Formula for potential changes that may need to be addressed.
(August 24, 2011)