Vice presidents of the Academy’s Casualty Practice Council, Health Practice Council, Life Practice Council, and Risk Management and Financial Reporting Council provided comments to the NAIC’s newly established Risk-Based Capital (RBC) Model Governance (EX) Task Force on the task force’s 2025 goals and proposed charges.
(March 14, 2025)The Retirement Practice Council’s Pension Committee sent a letter to the House Budget Committee to ask that the Committee consider modifying the due date of the 2025 Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) premiums for single-employer pension plans.
(March 11, 2025)The Life Practice Council provided comments to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force on the Illustration Actuary Knowledge Statements.
(March 05, 2025)The Life Practice Council provided comments to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force on the most recent AAT for Reinsurance Actuarial Guideline Draft Exposure.
(February 28, 2025)The Life Products Committee provided comments to the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force on a re-exposure of APF 2024-16, meant to provide guidance on a universal life nonforfeiture issue.
(February 28, 2025)The Data Science and Analytics Committee (DSAC) submitted comments to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) on IAIS' public consultation draft application paper on the supervision of artificial intelligence (AI).
(February 27, 2025)The Annuity Reserves and Capital Subcommittee sent a comment letter to the NAIC’s Life Actuarial (A) Task Force VM-22 Subgroup on the Chair Exposure for Remaining Decisions on Framework.
(February 26, 2025)The Annuity Reserve and Capital Subcommittee provided comments to the Valuation Manual (VM)-22 (A) Subgroup on the Chair Exposure for Remaining Decisions on Framework.
(February 24, 2025)The Annuity Reserve and Capital Subcommittee provided comments to the Valuation Manual (VM)-22 (A) Subgroup on proposed edits to the Standard Projection Amount (SPA) Policyholder Behavior Assumptions.
(February 04, 2025)The Financial Reporting Committee and the Life GAAP Reporting Committee sent an agenda request letter to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) encouraging FASB to consider a project related to portfolio layer method (PLM) hedge accounting for liabilities.
(February 04, 2025)The Life Products Committee commented on the recent exposure of APF 2024-16, which attempts to address requests for guidance on a standard nonforfeiture issue related to universal life policies in VM-02.
(January 24, 2025)The Life Practice Council provided comments to the NAIC Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF)'s exposure, Asset Adequacy Testing (AAT) for Reinsurance Actuarial Guideline (AG) Exposure Questions 111824.
(January 15, 2025)The Long-Term Care (LTC) Committee submitted comments to the NAIC’s Long-Term Care (B) Task Force (LTCAWG) in response to the NAIC Long-Term Care Insurance (B) Task Force’s November 20, 2024, request for comments on the exposure draft of the Long-Term Care Insurance Multistate Rate Review (LTCI MSA) Framework.
(December 12, 2024)The Annuity Reserve and Capital Subcommittee commented to the NAIC's Valuation Manual (VM)-22 (A) Subgroup on their exposure of a longevity reinsurance reserving proposal.
(December 04, 2024)The Economic Scenario Generator Subcommittee commented to the NAIC Generator of Economic Scenarios (GOES) (E/A) Subgroup on their exposure of SERT scenarios.
(November 14, 2024)The Health Practice Council’s Individual and Small Group Markets Committee submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services regarding the proposed rule for the 2026 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters.
(November 12, 2024)The Casualty Practice Council submitted comments to the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) on the exposure draft of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 30, Profit Margins and Contingency Provisions in Property/Casualty Risk Transfer and Risk Retention.
(November 06, 2024)The Life Practice Council provided comments to the entirety of the NAIC Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF)'s exposure, AAT for Reinsurance Actuarial Guideline Draft.
(October 10, 2024)The Life Practice Council provided comments to the Scope and Aggregation sections of the Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF)'s exposure, AAT for Reinsurance Actuarial Guideline Draft.
(October 03, 2024)The Long-Term Care (LTC) Committee submitted comments to the NAIC’s Long-Term Care Actuarial (B) Working Group (LTCAWG) in response to LTCAWG's August 12, 2024, request for comments on Proposals A and B as candidates for a Single LTCI Multistate Rate Review Approach.
(September 27, 2024)The Life Underwriting and Risk Classification Subcommittee submitted additional comments to the Colorado Division of Insurance on the ACLI draft proposed quantitative testing regulation, Concerning Quantitative Testing of External Consumer Data and Information Sources, Algorithms, and Predictive Models Used for Life Insurance Underwriting for Unfairly Discriminatory Outcomes.
(September 12, 2024)The Extreme Events and Property Lines Committee submitted comments to the Federal Emergency Management Agency on their RFI on the redesign effort of the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System.
(September 09, 2024)The Life Underwriting and Risk Classification Subcommittee submitted comments to the NAIC's Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance Life Workstream on the July 17 Exposure of the Survey of Life Insurer Underwriting Guidelines as Applied to Justice Impacted Individuals.
(September 05, 2024)The Data Science and Analytics Committee commented to the U.S. Department of the Treasury on the Request for Information (RFI) on Uses, Opportunities, and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Services Sector.
(August 12, 2024)The Long-Term Care (LTC) Committee submitted comments to the NAIC’s Long-Term Care Actuarial (B) Working Group (LTCAWG) in response to LTCAWG's July 2 request for comments on the Minnesota approach.
(July 23, 2024)The Life Practice Council provided comments to the Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF) regarding LATF's “Reinsurance AAT Concepts" and "Reinsurance AAT Attribution Analysis" exposures.
(July 19, 2024)The Life Underwriting and Risk Classification Subcommittee commented to the Colorado Division of Insurance on the ACLI draft proposed quantitative testing regulation, Concerning Quantitative Testing of External Consumer Data and Information Sources, Algorithms, and Predictive Models Used for Life Insurance Underwriting for Unfairly Discriminatory Outcomes.
(July 12, 2024)The Retirement Practice Council’s Social Security and Retirement Policy and Design Evaluation committees sent a joint comment letter to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions regarding portable benefits for self-employed workers and other individuals in nontraditional working arrangements.
(July 03, 2024)The P/C Committee on Equity and Fairness sent a comment letter to the District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) on the DISB’s recently released draft market conduct study, Evaluating Unintentional Bias in Private Passenger Automobile Insurance.
(June 28, 2024)The Health Practice Council’s Active Benefits Committee and Individual and Small Group Markets Committee responded to the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions’ (HELP) request for information regarding portable benefits for self-employed workers and other individuals in nontraditional working arrangements.
(June 24, 2024)