A new document from the Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting (COPLFR) addresses issues raised by the recent Los Angeles wildfires. The Supplement to the 2024 COPLFR Practice Note—LA Wildfires offers a list of FAQs and associated responses for Appointed Actuaries’ consideration when providing statements of actuarial opinion for companies materially impacted by such events, whether directly or indirectly.
( )The Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting's practice note on Statements of Actuarial Opinion on P/C Loss Reserves (2024), including discussion regarding changes in the NAIC Annual Statement Instructions—Property/Casualty (NAIC Annual Statement Instructions) regarding the Actuarial Opinion, the Actuarial Opinion Summary, and Actuarial Report. (December 27, 2024)
( )Senior Casualty Fellow Rich Gibson presented to the NAIC Antifraud (D) Task Force at their recent meeting in Denver on the P&C Committee on Equity and Fairness' recently published issue brief, Insurance Fraud: Impacts on Premiums, Claim Costs, and the Public.
( )Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer provided an update on the Casualty Practice Council (CPC) activities of interest to the NAIC’s Casualty Actuarial (C) and Statistical Task Force (CASTF) at their recent meeting in Denver, including an update on recent and upcoming CPC publications, other Academy activity and key 2025 events.
( )The Casualty Practice Council submitted comments to the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) on the exposure draft of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 30, Profit Margins and Contingency Provisions in Property/Casualty Risk Transfer and Risk Retention.
( )Senior Casualty Fellow, Rich Gibson, incoming Casualty Practice Council Vice-President Susan Kent, and New Mexico OSI Chief Actuary, Christian Myers, presented a session at the Casualty Actuarial Society's Annual Meeting in Pheonix, AZ on “P&C Regulatory and Legislative Environment”.
( )The latest release in the Cyber Risk Toolkit, “SEC Cybersecurity Disclosure Requirements and Related Directors & Officers Liability Risks,” details how the United States Securities and Exchange Commission is regulating cybersecurity and the reporting of cybersecurity incidents by publicly traded corporations to investors, as well as the implications of these regulations.
( )The Casualty Practice Council (CPC) submitted comments regarding the California Department of Insurance’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Catastrophe Modeling and Ratemaking. Specifically, the CPC weighed in on the inclusion of the phrase “most actuarially sound” in the state’s regulations.
( )The P/C Committee on Equity and Fairness (PCCEF) released an issue brief, Insurance Fraud: Impacts on Premiums, Claim Costs, and the Public. The brief discusses regulatory actions to prevent and report fraud and approaches actuaries can take to quantify the damage fraud causes.
( )The Extreme Events and Property Lines Committee submitted comments to the Federal Emergency Management Agency on their RFI on the redesign of the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System.
( )Academy Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer provided an update on the Casualty Practice Council (CPC) activities of interest to NAIC’s Casualty Actuarial (C) Task Force, including an update on recent publications, and anticipated releases from other CPC workstreams of interest to the NAIC.
( )The Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting (COPFLR) asked the NAIC's Actuarial Opinion Working Group for clarification on 2024 regulatory guidance pertaining to immaterial long-duration unearned premium reserves.
( )The P/C Committee on Equity and Fairness sent a comment letter to the District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) on the DISB’s recently released draft market conduct study, Evaluating Unintentional Bias in Private Passenger Automobile Insurance.
( )The Casualty Practice Council submitted comments on the exposure draft of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 7, Analysis of Life, Health, or Property/Casualty Insurance Cash Flow Risk.
( )Academy Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer, Senior Fellow Rich Gibson, and Will Davis of the South Carolina Department of Insurance presented at the Casualty Actuarial Society's Spring Meeting on current and future public policy considerations, covering how the current legislative and regulatory environment continues to evolve and respond to changes in actuarial practice and the broader insurance and financial environments. The presentation covered topics including the NAIC, homeowners insurance, AI governance, the National Flood Insurance Program, and bias.
( )The Casualty Practice Council submitted comments on the exposure draft of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 12, Risk Classification (for All Practice Areas).
( )The P/C Extreme Events and Property Lines Committee submitted a comment letter to the California Department of Insurance in advance of the department’s public workshop on its draft regulation that would modify state law to allow for catastrophe modeling to be used for wildfire, terrorism, and flood lines of homeowners and commercial insurance lines.
( )Members of the Committee on Cyber Risk presented during the Midwestern Actuarial Forum (MAF) on the Academy’s Cyber Risk Toolkit, highlighting recent work around cyber data, the state of the cyber insurance market and recent trends in D&O, and the cyber vendor model paper.
( )Academy Senior Fellow Rich Gibson provided a brief overview of the Committee on Cyber Risk to NAIC’s Cybersecurity (H) Working Group. The presentation highlighted the cyber risk toolkit, including an overview on the papers in the toolkit, papers expected to be published in the toolkit later this year, the public policy department’s ongoing research project on cybersecurity, and how the Academy and the committee can be helpful to the Cybersecurity (H) Working Group now that cyber insurance is included in their charges.
( )Academy Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer provided an update on the Casualty Practice Council (CPC) activities of interest to NAIC’s Casualty Actuarial (C) Task Force, including an update on recent publications, and anticipated releases from other CPC workstreams of interest to the NAIC.
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