The Casualty Practice Council (CPC) submitted comments regarding the California Department of Insurance’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Catastrophe Modeling and Ratemaking. Specifically, the CPC weighed in on the inclusion of the phrase “most actuarially sound” in the state’s regulations.
( )The P/C Committee on Equity and Fairness (PCCEF) released an issue brief, Insurance Fraud: Impacts on Premiums, Claim Costs, and the Public. The brief discusses regulatory actions to prevent and report fraud and approaches actuaries can take to quantify the damage fraud causes.
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The Committee on Cyber Risk released a new chapter in the Cyber Risk Toolkit, "Personal Cyber: An Intro to Risk Reduction and Mitigation Strategies." The chapter identifies some of the penetration points of cyberattacks from an individual’s perspective and examines how an individual can work to minimize their risk of being hacked.
( )Digital assets and their roles in cybercrime continue to increase. This paper seeks to provide a baseline understanding of digital assets for insurance industry practitioners whose lines of business may interact with digital assets and highlight recent trends surrounding their use within cybercrime.
( )The Workers' Compensation Committee released an issue brief providing an overview of medical marijuana laws and court cases—and the impact they have on the workers’ compensation system—to help actuaries navigate the complicated legal landscape.
( )The P/C Committee on Equity and Fairness released an issue brief that provides a survey of methods aimed at helping to identify and/or mitigate bias in rating for property and casualty lines.
( )Workers' Compensation Committee issue brief discussing the growing importance of telehealth for workers' compensation insurers, variations across different states, and opportunities for the actuarial profession to help all parties involved better direct their efforts and maximize the return of any telehealth initiatives.
( )Racial Equity Task Force issue brief discusses potential options to obtaining protected class information on insureds in the P&C insurance industry to test for practices that may disproportionally harm members of any protected classes. It also evaluates three general data collection methods—collecting additional data, capturing existing external data, or imputing data—for desirable attributes such as accuracy, efficiency, and the size of the data set.
( )Workers' Compensation Committee issue brief on potential impacts to injured workers, employers and insurers involved in the opioid epidemic, and explores the effects on these stakeholders before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
( )Medical Professional Liability Committee issue brief on considerations stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic related to changes in health care delivery, the regulatory environment, and coverage and exposure consideration.
( )The Automobile Insurance Committee's issue brief on automobile insurance pricing that explores how increased availability of data and technology has resulted in lower premiums paid by customers. It also examines how customers can impact the prices they pay based on factors they control.
( )The Automobile Insurance Committee's issue brief on considerations that might be made by actuaries and regulators overseeing automobile insurance in the interim period where the duration, size of the data impact, and state variations due to COVID-19 are yet unknown.
( )The Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting issued an updated and expanded set of questions and answers regarding the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on P/C financial reporting.
( )Issue brief from the Workers' Compensation Committee rdiscussing the recent actions of state governments, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to expand their presumption laws to include additional diseases/injuries experienced during employment, but also to whom the presumptions apply.
( )Presumptive Benefits in Workers’ Compensation: Emerging Issues Before and After COVID-19, an issue brief released by the Workers’ Compensation Committee, covers what workers’ compensation.
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