Behavioral Economics in Insurance and Retirement Planning: Select Award for Research Submissions
Feb. 10, 2025 | 1 to 2:15 p.m. EST | USQS CE Available
In this webinar, attendees heard three presentations of research submitted for consideration for the Academy's Award for Research, and which have implications for practice and regulation in casualty, life, health and retirement. Among the presenters was the 2024 Award winner, Doron Samuell.
By the end of this webinar attendees will:
- Understand some of the ways in which behavioral economics insights are being explored in academic research.
- Consider some possible uses of this research in their own line of business
- Think about and propose additional related research that might be useful.
- Doron Samuell, Ph.D., MB, BS, MSc, FRANZCP; Managing Director, Behaviour, Sydney (Australia)
- Jackson Lautier, Ph.D., MAAA, FSA, CERA; Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Bentley Univ., Waltham MA
- Taylor G. Graciano, BBA Ph.D. Candidate, Risk Management and Insurance, Univ. of Georgia, Athens GA
- Grace Lattyak, MAAA, FCA, FSA, EA; Chairperson, Research Committee
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