Board Selection Center
Welcome to the 2022 Board Election Center website. Please visit for the latest news, updates, candidate information, and forms regarding the 2022 Academy Board Elections.
August 30, 2022
Board Election Concludes
Thank you to all the Academy members who cast their votes in the online election for the three candidates for open member-selected director positions on the Academy Board of Directors. Voting wrapped up last week, with over 1,850 total votes cast. The percentage of online votes who rated their voting experience a 7/10 or higher was 88%. The newly elected directors will be Joyce Bohl, Derek Freihaut, and Julia Lerche. All of the terms will begin after the Academy’s Annual Meeting of the membership on Nov. 2.
August 12, 2022
Online Election of Academy Board Member-Selected Directors Underway
Members’ election of Academy Board Member-Selected Directors kicked off Aug. 12 and will run for two weeks. All Academy members eligible as of the Aug. 5 voting eligibility cutoff date should have received ballots via email following a previous email earlier this month from the Academy’s election vendor Intelliscan (
The nominees to be member-selected directors, who will serve three-year terms, are:
Joyce Bohl, a member of the Health Practice Council (HPC), chairperson of the Individual and Small Group Markets Committee, and a member of the Active Benefits Subcommittee.
Derek Freihaut, a member of the Casualty Practice Council, chairperson of the Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting, and a member of the Opinion Seminar Subcommittee.
Julia Lerche, a member of the HPC, chairperson of the HPC’s Medicaid Committee, a member of the Health Equity Committee, and a past member of several HPC work groups.
Online voting will run through Friday, Aug. 26, at 11:59 p.m. EDT. If you need help with or have questions about your ballot, please email Intelliscan’s Keith Wier ( All members are encouraged to take part in the Academy’s election process.
July 26, 2022
Academy Board Nominees Announced
The Nominating Committee reported on the slate of three individuals nominated to serve as member-selected directors on the Board, with three-year terms beginning in November. Candidacies for member-selected director candidates, who will begin their terms on the Board at the conclusion of the Academy’s annual meeting in November, will be open to be voted on by the membership in an online election later this summer.
The nominees to be regular directors, who will serve three-year terms, are:
- Joyce Bohl, a member of the Health Practice Council (HPC), chairperson of the Individual and Small Group Markets Committee, and a member of the Active Benefits Subcommittee.
- Derek Freihaut, a member of the Casualty Practice Council, chairperson of the Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting, and a member of the Opinion Seminar Subcommittee.
- Julia Lerche, a member of the HPC, chairperson of the HPC’s Medicaid Committee, a member of the Health Equity Committee, and a past member of several HPC work groups.
The nominating process is designed to bring to the Board member-selected director candidates with an ability and willingness to serve the Academy, demonstrated by their prior volunteer service. The entire slate of new directors was chosen to provide a balanced distribution across practice areas and business affiliations in accordance with the Nominating Committee Guidelines.
April 22, 2022
Nominate Academy Member-Selected Directors
It’s time once again to share your recommendations for Academy member-selected directors, elected to the Board of Directors by Academy membership in an online election in the summer from a slate of candidates presented by the Nominating Committee. The committee will be considering new candidates for regular directors in the next few months in accordance with the criteria provided in the Nominating Committee Guidelines. Nominations are due May 31, 2022.