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Recent Academy Activity, Feb. 18–22, 2013



  • The Academy sent a letter to President Obama and top administration officials urging them to require Academy membership as a qualification for any candidate to the chief actuary position at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Read the news release.

Website: New Postings

  • With your Academy membership you now have special access to recently produced videos prepared by the CMS on several key regulations implementing certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Log in to view these videos.
  • The Contingent Annuity Work Group commented on the NAIC Contingent Deferred Annuity (A) Working Group’s Feb. 13 draft recommendation to the Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee.

Member Alerts

  • Health Insurance Issues: The CMS issued the final rule establishing standards on actuarial value, essential health benefits, and accreditation under the ACA. Also, the Department of Health and Human Services issued the final rule implementing the ACA provisions related to the 2014 health insurance market reforms and modifying the final rule on rate review and disclosure. Log in to read the full text of both alerts.

Upcoming Events

  • Webinar on Risk Evaluation & Risk Treatment in Enterprise Risk Management: ASOP Nos. 46 And 47 (March 28): It is essential for actuaries to understand how ERM can play a role in their professional responsibilities and what standards they should follow. Find out what you need to know as presenters review two newly adopted actuarial standards of practices (ASOPs) relating to ERM.

Recent Events

  • Webinar on the Relationship Between Medicare and Private Insurance Provider Payment Rates (Feb. 21): More than 700 registrants tuned in to hear presenters Jeff Stensland from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission and Cori Uccello from the Academy discuss the relationship between Medicare provider payment rates and those for private insurance, specifically how changes in Medicare provider payment rates could affect private plans. Click here for the free slide presentation and audio recording.

Recently Released Publications

  • February Actuarial Update: Read about the Academy’s venture into live tweeting during the State of the Union, as well as an interview with Charity Sack, the Academy’s new communications director.
  • First Quarter Retirement Account: Read about the Academy’s pension policy activities.


Note: Some links in this email go to external websites and may require registration. The Academy is not responsible for the content of these websites. Links may expire.