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December 11, 2013

Academy Activities

On Nov. 14, the Health Practice Council (HPC) sent a letter to members of Congress outlining the potential consequences of proposals that would modify Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions regarding plan cancellations in the individual and small group health insurance markets.

Members of the Academy’s Health Care Cost Work Group and Rate Review Practice Note Work Group presented at the National Conference of Insurance Legislators meeting in November. Audrey Halvorson, chairperson of the rate review work group, spoke about the effect of the ACA on premiums. Susan Pantely, chairperson of the subgroup on models of care delivery, spoke about finding ways to address health care cost growth, specifically in terms of care delivery redesign.

On Dec. 4, several hundred actuaries attended an Academy-hosted webinar titled, “Winning the Oregon Medicaid Lottery—A Case Study on Medicaid’s Effect on Utilization, Finances, and Health Outcomes,” which explored what researchers learned from Oregon’s efforts to expand its Medicaid program and compared those three components for individuals selected in the lottery and individuals not selected. Katherine Baicker, Ph.D., professor of Health Economics in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Harvard School of Public Health, provided an overview of the study, including methods, assumptions, and data received.

In early December, the HPC published a new fact sheet that provides an overview of the three risk-sharing mechanisms included in the ACA—the permanent risk adjustment program, the temporary risk corridors, and the transitional reinsurance program.

Legislative and Regulatory Updates

check markOn Dec. 2, the Department of Health and Human Services released proposed rules on several provisions in the Affordable Care Act relating to the 2015 payment parameters for the risk-sharing mechanisms, cost-sharing reductions, and federally facilitated exchanges. The rules also address standards on composite rating, the annual open enrollment period for 2015, the actuarial value calculator, the Small Business Health Options Program, and annual limits on cost-sharing for stand-alone dental plans. The deadline for comments is Dec. 26.

In the News

The Academy’s Nov. 14 letter to members of Congress was covered in the following publications:

A Contingencies article on health care costs was mentioned in the article “Harry Reid: Obamacare ‘Costs Me About $4,500 More’” (Newsmax) and Just How Much Will Individually Insured People’s Premiums Go Up Under Obamacare?” (Examiner.com).

The Academy’s fact sheet, “ACA Risk-Sharing Mechanisms” was mentioned in “The ACA 3Rs Explained: Risk Adjustment, Risk Corridors, and Reinsurance (PDF)” in the BenefitsLink Health & Welfare Plans newsletter.

Academy standards for “actuarially sound capitation rate” for medical services cited in “Is This a Fair Way to Pay Doctors?” in Physicians News.

Senior Health Fellow Cori Uccello was quoted in several articles:

Upcoming Events

A Two-Month Checkup on Obamacare
Webinar: Dec. 12
Sponsor: Bloomberg Government

Exchange Conference
Conference: Dec. 12, Washington
Sponsor: America's Health Insurance Plans (fee charged)

Tackling Health Care Costs: Finding Common Ground

Briefing: Dec. 13, Washington
Sponsor: Alliance for Health Reform (no fee charged)

National Health Policy Conference
Conference: Feb. 3–4, 2014, Washington
Sponsor: Academy Health (fee charged)


For a complete listing of upcoming and recent health care reform events click here.