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Recent Academy Activity, Sept. 24 – 28, 2012

Website: New Postings

  • The Financial Reporting Committee submitted comments to the Financial Accounting Standards Board on its exposure draft regarding Liquidity Risk and Interest Rate Risk Disclosures and how the proposed amendments would affect insurance companies.

Upcoming Events

  • New webinar: Understanding LTC Rate Stability, Oct. 31. Presenters will provide important information for pricing actuaries when completing an actuarial certification related to pricing long-term care insurance policy forms under the rate stability provisions of the NAIC’s Long-Term Care Model Regulation.
  • Register now for the upcoming webinar, Understanding the ACA—Rate Filing Review and Disclosure. Join members of the Rate Review Practice Note Work Group on Oct. 12 to learn more about the review and disclosure requirements of “unreasonable” rate increases under the Affordable Care Act. Presenters will provide an overview of the final practice note and answer questions.
  • Join us Oct. 15 for the: Academy Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon. The Academy will transition presidential leadership from Dave Sandberg to Cecil Bykerk, announce winners of the annual awards, and hear from keynote speaker Stu Rothenberg. The luncheon is included in your registration if you are attending the SOA meeting. Academy members who are not attending the SOA meeting may purchase a ticket for $70.
  • Early registration ends Oct. 15 for the P/C Effective Loss Reserve Opinion Seminar—Tools for the Appointed Actuary. Don’t miss out on the new breakout sessions and hands-on workshops, which will be led by experienced faculty members who will guide you through the requirements and recent changes.
  • Only a few are seats left for the Nov. 12–15 Life and Health Qualifications Seminar! This seminar is the primary source of instruction for actuaries who wish to be qualified to issue actuarial opinions for either the NAIC Life and A&H Annual Statement or the NAIC Health Annual Statement.

Recently Released Publications

  • September Actuarial Update: The outgoing vice presidents share their parting thoughts in this issue.
  • September HealthCheck: Read about recent health care reform activities.

Note: Some links in this e-mail go to external websites and may require registration. The Academy is not responsible for the content of these websites. Links may expire.