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News from the American Academy of Actuaries

January 31, 2012

Dear Academy Volunteer:

In 2007, the Academy Board of Directors adopted a policy requiring all Academy members who serve as members of any Academy boards, councils, committees, sub-committees, task forces, and work groups, etc. (collectively “Committee”), to acknowledge annually the existing Conflict of Interest (“COI”) policy that applies to all Academy members who do volunteer work for the Academy.

Similarly, in 2011, the Academy Board of Directors adopted a policy that all Academy members who are members of any Academy Committee annually comply with, and attest to compliance with, the continuing education requirements of the U.S. Qualification Standards (http://www.actuary.org/qualstandards/qual.pdf) as described at http://www.actuary.org/email/2011/ce_attest_111115.html. It is expected that each such actuary will have completed 30 hours of CE (including 6 from organized activities and 3 from professionalism topics) in the year prior to the acknowledgement or as otherwise provided in the U.S. Qualification Standards. Given that 2012 will be the first year requiring compliance with this policy, volunteers will have until March 31, 2012, to attest to compliance. For all subsequent years, volunteers will be expected to be in compliance by January 1st. Please note that many volunteers may earn CE credits, including organized activity credits, by virtue of serving on a committee. Also note that committee chairpersons have the discretion to allow individuals to continue to be involved on a committee without being a member of that committee by deeming that person an “interested party.”

CE Compliance

The CE Acknowledgment is in the form of the statement indicated below. You may click on this link and follow the instructions to complete your CE acknowledgment online. Please note that for this year only you will have until March 31, 2012, to attest to your required 30 hours of continuing education.

COI Compliance

Please review below both the COI acknowledgment and the COI policy. The COI policy includes reference to a discussion paper entitled “Conflict of Interest When Doing Volunteer Work” to assist you in complying with the COI policy. After your review of the foregoing you may click on this link and follow the instructions to complete your COI acknowledgment online. You only need to respond once to acknowledge the COI policy for all Academy Committees on which you serve. Pursuant to the Executive Committee’s directive, failure to respond to the request for acknowledgement will result in your being dropped from your respective Committees.

Alternative Reply Email

As an alternative to logging into the Academy website, you may reply to this email to complete your acknowledgment, however, you must state all of the following in your email reply:

“I agree with the statements contained in the Conflict of Interest Acknowledgment set forth below and I confirm my compliance with the statement contained in the Continuing Education Acknowledgment set forth below.”

Should you have any questions regarding this request please contact me through our Assistant General Counsel, Sheila J. Kalkunte at kalkunte@actuary.org.

John Gleba
Vice President, Professionalism
American Academy of Actuaries

Continuing Education Acknowledgment

1. I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries (“Academy”) and also serve as a member on one or more of the Academy’s committees, councils, boards, task forces, or work groups.
2. I hereby acknowledge that I have met the annual continuing education requirements to be qualified for the year 2012 as set forth in the U.S. Qualification Standards as provided at http://www.actuary.org/qualstandards/qual.pdf.


Conflict of Interest Acknowledgement

1. I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries (“Academy”) and also serve as a member on one or more of the Academy’s committees, councils, boards, task forces, or work groups (collectively, “Committee”).
2. I have read the below Conflict of Interest Policy (“Policy”) issued by the Academy and acknowledge my obligation to adhere to this policy and, in particular, my duty to carefully consider and address any situation that may arise in my role as a volunteer on the Committee that may call into question my professional objectivity.

Conflict of Interest Policy

The Academy has adopted the following policy to guide its activities on behalf of the actuarial profession and the public:

The American Academy of Actuaries’ mission is to serve the public and the United States actuarial profession.

To accomplish this:

  • As the public voice for the United States actuarial profession, the Academy provides independent and objective actuarial information, analysis, and education for the formation of sound public policy;
  • The Academy provides for the establishment, maintenance, and enforcement of high professional standards of actuarial qualification, practice, and conduct;
  • The Academy advances actuarial practice by informing and educating its members on public policy and professionalism issues and current and emerging practices;
  • The Academy identifies and addresses issues on behalf of the public interest on matters in which actuarial science provides a unique understanding;
  • The Academy increases the public’s understanding and recognition of the value of the actuarial profession;
  • The Academy provides opportunities for professional development of its members through volunteerism and service to the profession;
  • The Academy facilitates and coordinates response to issues of common interest among the U.S.-based actuarial associations; and
  • The Academy coordinates the representation of the U.S. profession globally.

These fundamental purposes of the Academy require it to maintain a high level of professional objectivity and independence from any specific interests of the employers of its members. Therefore, members who work on the Academy’s behalf must carefully consider and address any situation that may arise with respect to the members’ activity, or the activity of any member working with them, which may call into question their professional objectivity.

Members should comply with the Code of Professional Conduct whenever they provide services to the Academy. Members should familiarize themselves with the paper “Conflicts of Interest When Doing Volunteer Work” published by the Council on Professionalism in 2011, which discusses conflicts of interest. It also suggests possible actions the member might consider taking if the member identifies a possible conflict of interest.

Any question or concern about the possibility of a conflict of interest with respect to any work a member may perform on behalf of the Academy should be addressed to the member supervising the activity or to the Academy’s general counsel.