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News from the American Academy of Actuaries

Hill Testimony Headlines July Update

“An increase in the retirement age is a necessary change to help address Social Security's long-term financial challenges.” That was the message the Academy delivered to members of the House Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security at a hearing on the program's benefit expenditures. To learn more about the hearing, and for other Academy news, check out the July Update.

Other highlights include:

  • Online voting for three regular director positions on the Academy board and two bylaws amendments begins Aug. 3
  • Academy holds a briefing on Capitol Hill to spotlight the National Flood Insurance Program
  • Summer Summit looks at the Academy's work through an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework
  • More than 2,500 actuaries tune in to a webinar on the profession's responsibility to the public

Download the Update now at http://www.actuary.org/update/.