The Importance and Benefits of Understanding the Code
June 26, 2009
Presented by the Academy's Council on Professionalism and co-sponsored by the SOA, CAS, CCA and ASPPA. In this educational webcast, attendees gained a primer/refresher on the details of the Code of Professional Conduct, and discovered that code compliance assures the integrity and quality of your work.
Webcast participants submitted questions during the webcast and the panelists responded during the time allotted.
NOTE ON JBEA CE CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE: You will not be able to receive a certificate of attendance for listening to any recorded webinars. In order to receive a JBEA CE Certificate of Attendance you must attend the live event, follow the instructions provided during the live event, and you must request your certificate by completing the online form within 30 days of attending the live event.
Webcast Resources
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The speakers include:
- John Gleba, former chairperson of the CAS Committee on Professional Education, member of the Academy’s Council on Professionalism.
- Michael Toothman, member of the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline, member of the Academy’s Council on Professionalism.
- Moderator: Sheila Kalkunte, the Academy assistant general counsel and staff liaison to the Council on Professionalism and the Committee on Qualifications.
CE credit
The American Academy of Actuaries believes in good faith that this professionalism webcast on the Code of Professional Conduct constitutes an "organized activity" under the current Qualification Standards.
Certificates for EAs
The Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries (JBEA) has approved the Academy as a qualifying sponsor of continuing education (CE) programs for enrolled actuaries.
If you are an enrolled actuary, the Academy believes in good faith that you may earn 1.8 CPE core credits under the JBEA rules for attending this webcast. However, the JBEA ultimately determines what constitutes core and non-core continuing education and the number of CE credit hours allocated to same for enrolled actuaries.