Academy Webinar: Best of "Up to Code"
October 21, 2010
12:00-1:30 p.m. Eastern
Are you an actuary seeking to maintain a high standard of professionalism? This interactive webinar, presented by the Academy's Council on Professionalism, and co-sponsored by the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries, Casualty Actuarial Society, Conference of Consulting Actuaries, and Society of Actuaries, reviewed topics that can help.
Since 2006, actuaries have been relying on "Up to Code" articles published in Contingencies to help keep their professionalism skills sharp. Written by members of the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline, among others, "Up to Code" articles have examined a wide variety of issues relevant to working actuaries seeking to maintain a high standard of professionalism in their workday lives. With more than two dozen "Up to Code" articles in the Contingencies archives, actuaries in all practice areas can benefit from an in-depth review of the best of "Up to Code."
NOTE ON JBEA CE CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE: You will not be able to receive a certificate of attendance for listening to any recorded webinars. In order to receive a JBEA CE Certificate of Attendance you must attend the live event, follow the instructions provided during the live event, and you must request your certificate by completing the online form within 30 days of attending the live event.
Curtis E. Huntington, MAAA, FCA, FSA
Vice Chairperson, Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline
Mr. Huntington is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Michigan and directs the Actuarial Mathematics Program and the Financial Mathematics Program for the university. He also serves as executive director of the Michigan Pension Education Training Program.
Prior to entering academia, Mr. Huntington was Vice President and Corporate Actuary for the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. He previously had served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Public Health Service.
Mr. Huntington has held multiple notable positions at actuarial organizations within the United States and abroad, including the SOA, ASPPA, Actuarial Education and Research Fund, International Actuarial Association, Muhanna Foundation, Actuarial Foundation of Canada, and ABCD. He also is a fellow of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries and of the Lebanese Actuarial Association.
Mr. Huntington holds a B.A. in mathematics and a master's degree in actuarial science from the University of Michigan. He also earned a Juris Doctorate (cum laude) from Suffolk University.
Paul R. Fleischacker, MAAA, FSA
Vice Chairperson, Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline
A retired insurance executive and consultant, Mr. Fleischacker served as Vice President and Chief Actuary for two major Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. Prior to that, he was a consultant for 25 years with several major consulting firms. Since his retirement, Mr. Fleischacker has worked as a self-employed actuarial consultant, including work in insurance and reinsurance arbitration and expert testimony.
Throughout his career, Mr. Fleischacker has been actively involved in the Academy, SOA, and ABCD. In addition to his board membership on the ABCD, he served as a member of the Board of Governors of the SOA, chairperson of the SOA Health Section Council, Chairperson of the Health Committee of the Actuarial Standards Board, and an investigator for the ABCD.
Mr. Fleischacker is a graduate of Drake University with a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in actuarial science.
Moderator: Sheila Kalkunte, Academy's assistant general counsel
CE Credit
The American Academy of Actuaries believes in good faith that your attendance at this live professionalism webinar, "Best of Up to Code," constitutes an "organized activity" under the current U.S. Qualification Standards.
The Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries (JBEA) has approved the Academy as a qualifying sponsor of continuing professional education (CPE) programs for enrolled actuaries.
If you are an enrolled actuary, the Academy believes in good faith that you may earn 1.8 CPE core credits under the JBEA rules for attending this live webcast. However, the JBEA ultimately determines what constitutes core and non-core continuing education and the number of CPE credit hours allocated to same for enrolled actuaries. During the live webinar, instructions will be given to attendees on the process for obtaining certificates of attendance.
* The opinions expressed by the panelists during this presentation do not represent the opinions of the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline.